Hi, Lee!
Here's how it works:
Note that there are 5 numbers of each color and 5 colors. Each house contains one number of each color (as well as one number not in the original set). Therefore, when you choose a color and a house, there is a unique number that belongs to them both, and that number is yours. The 3-by-3 array of colors and the crystal balls are totally irrelevant. All 3 doors at the end contain the same number - yours!
In fact, here is the complete table!
Color House1 House2 House3 House4 House5
Pink 1 21 14 22 6 Green 12 9 25 23 16 Blue 4 10 17 3 18 Black 11 24 8 19 7 Orange 13 2 20 5 15 Extra 30 26 28 27 29
You can see that, by choosing one color and one house, you uniquely specify your number to the machine. It simply puts that number behind all three doors, ignoring the 3-by-3 color array and the crystal balls completely.
Your friend, John
P.S. I've looked over several of the threads in this forum, and - WOW, Lee, your sense of humor is downright contagious! You have such a wonderful way of getting even the most sullen folks to laugh! What a joy it is to have a friend like you!