Hi Darryl,
I suggest that you reread the initial post in this thread! Who do you think Hoshyar Zebari is? He is first of all, an Iraqi citizen, and secondly, Iraq's democratically elected foreign minister. Should we be asking the Iraqi citizens what they want? Darryl, they are telling us what they want. They certainly DO NOT want to be abandoned at this point.
I am also apalled by your lack of understanding of world events and your apparent willingness to suggest and even to choose to believe (without ONE shred of evidence) that your own country would orchestrate such a chilling event as the attack of 9/11! What are you thinking??
If you have even one piece of concrete evidence other than the rhetoric of conspiracy theorists, how about sharing it with us now. Honor the memories of heroes like your dad and grandad by digging for the truth, not by spreading nonsense that only serves the purposes of those who would like to destabilize the entire western way of life.
Whether you like it or not, the economy of the world IS centered around the Middle East and Persian Gulf area, and if that area becomes too unstable, the WHOLE world will suffer. If the area is allowed to explode in all out war, the economy of the whole world WILL collapse. Of course greed is involved. But do you think it is limited only to those on this side of the Atlantic or only those of European descent?
Do not be offended by my reply, but instead, do some digging, even if it is to try to prove me wrong. I am very much in support of the constructive sharing of facts.
God bless,