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5/11/2007 2:37:25 PM

Hi Marilyn,

The United States could owe more than $1 billion to United Nations Peacekeeping by the end of 2007 -- a mere fraction of the $168 billion that will be spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan this year.

Tell the U.S. to keep its promise to the UN and invest in peace>>

UN peacekeeping shares the burden for maintaining peace, promoting democracy, and building the foundation for long-term stability in 18 missions around the world for a fraction of what it would cost the U.S. to do so. All while keeping American troops out of harm's way.

Even though it votes for every mission, the U.S. is failing to pay its fair share to the UN. The President's budget request this year shortchanges UN peacekeeping by $500 million.

How can the administration spend hundreds of billions of dollars on war, yet fail to fund efforts that promote peace?

Tell Congress that peace is cheaper than war. They need to honor their commitments to the United Nations so that these peacekeeping missions can succeed.

Thank you


This is an email from, one of the many organizations that I am involved with that tries to help and make a difference in our world! Please, if you live in the United States read this and then click on the link so that you may send an email to Congress . We need the United Nations doing their job of trying to promote peace through means other than war! Thank you for taking the time to help!

God Bless You,


Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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5/11/2007 4:42:51 PM
Yeah Right, short change the UN.  Actually the US contribute over the years too much to the UN.  There are too many unfortunate poor countries who don't try hard enough.

We need to start taking care of our own folks before we start aiding all of the other corrupt nations. 
Nap Jones

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5/11/2007 8:17:14 PM


I very much appreciate your inspirational tidbits that come my way every now and then. It also seems like you go out of your area of specialty quite a bit to be a " springboard " for every " rogue " organization that comes around espousing their concerns. The following is a case in point. The U.N. has always, and forever will be, in my book, ( and others, believe me ) nothing more than a clandestine operation of countries who's ideology is contrary to what God had in mine when he made this great nation. The U.N , or I should give you the correct spelling, commUNism ( which is still alive today, contrary to what you and others may believe ) is taking up too much space in this country, In other words its an anathema to the civilized world in which we live. On the other hand, it sits as a " sore thumb ", very impotent to do anything more than create havoc with the western world.


Food for thought. Just think the money we could save by redirecting these funds we pay the U.N., to eradicate or at least ease the burden of our precious citizens who have to struggle to have a nutritious meal here in America, or give every one of those precious families who need health care in this great country, a chance of survival.

The same could be said about this unpopular war in Iraq but time does not permit me to write about that! Boy, the waste in money, but ..... don't get me started!

Anyhow in conclusion, let me just echo the thoughts of many, when I say, get the U.S. out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of the U.S.

Again, I love your posts. Keep me on your list.

Thank you.

James Lykins
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5/12/2007 9:48:04 PM

Dear Marilyn!

I have always wondered why the government has the right to take our tax money to give to other countries while people in our own country our on welfare, starving, homeless and children are dying because they cannot afford medication - does this make any sense. Our leaders are giving away billions of dollars and then write it of because the country can never pay back the loan. Do we see something wrong in this?


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5/17/2007 4:30:19 AM

HI Napoleon,

Thank you very much for your comments. I do agree with you that this country needs to take care of our own...I also support those issues as well. I am for all people all over the world! I respect your opinions my friend!

God Bless You,


Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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