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Kathy Hamilton

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series of small irritations
5/11/2007 10:06:41 AM

Life is not just a series of small irritations-
or is it???

How do we keep the petty annoyances of daily life from absorbing all our time and energy?

Share your thoughts with us.

Kathy Hamilton
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Joe Downing

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Re: series of small irritations
5/11/2007 2:18:09 PM
Hi Kathy,

Life is a series of moments.  A moment could be 2 seconds or 1 hour.  Remember the saying, "Time flies when we're having fun"?  For what ever moment I am in, I seek out the purpose of it.  I believe that everything happens for a reason.  If a moment is annoying, I still seek the lesson and move on. 

The moment I let something annoy me is the moment wasted.

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Danny Mills

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Re: series of small irritations
5/11/2007 3:49:14 PM

Hi Kathy! great topic.

My advice,

Learn to "Not make problems out of things that do not have to be problems".


Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: series of small irritations
5/11/2007 4:53:39 PM
A balanced persona includes processing the negative as well as the  positive.
A positive attitude doesn't mean there isn't room for processing negative thoughts or experiences. If one refuses  or denies the negative emotions connected to  irritations of a negative nature, that could lead to unhealthy emotional health.
(Please note, this is my opinion and not a copy & paste as is too common here, a small irritation I might add).
Focusing on more important activities and thoughts will soon leave the small and insignificant, irritating and annoyances in the dust.       
Re: series of small irritations
5/11/2007 4:57:21 PM
Kathy, I've learned "not to sweat the small stuff". If you let every little thing annoy you then you do not have room for all of the beauty that is around you. Make the most of each and every moment. Try to take something from each moment. For what purpose am I having this moment. Enjoy life to its fullest, but not reckless, as it may be your last.
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