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Why do Internet Businesses fail ?
5/10/2007 2:32:04 PM

Hi %firstname%,

I'm out today to tell you of a ONE TIME SPECIAL OFFER where you will be shown how to create a GROWING residual income machine in less than 24 HRS with MENTORING AT NO COST! I am willing to help you create your machine, just give this email a read to find out how I can help you make a substantial income online with virtually NO EFFORT FOR YOU at all!

This is a very rare broadcast! I am mentoring on a "first come first served" basis on how to earn a six figure income with a totally duplicatible business system.


I will help you right from the start in building your business and will ensure that your income machine is producing a substantial amount of RESIDUAL INCOME. The primary aim is for G-A-I mentorship students/members to make a minimum of $5,000 a month but the final target is for them to make the upper band of 5 figures a month! This is more than possible, but only for those who are willing to put in the effort.

If you are thinking of a "free lunch" with this offer, then please do not reply to this email, for this is far from that. I only want serious people who really want to make BIG TIME income on the net, but also understand that you need to put in a lot of effort to achieve this.

This isn't a "get rich quick" scheme or a "too good to be true" offer. It is a solid, proven business model, and you will see how powerful this system is once you review it. You will be shown EXACTLY how to market this business, and the training is given at absolutely NO COST TO YOU- why? Well if I can help you make that BIG TIME INCOME, then I become more successful financially- simple!

The online-opportunity that we help you market is NOT free-to-join- and if it was, then what would that say about this whole system? These free-to-join opportunities get you no-where, and for those of you who have gotten involved with these so called "free to join" programs know what I am talking about. No program out there is free- there's always some subscription that needs to be paid one way or another.

Please review our site:

But what I am giving you is a the G-A-I marketing strategies AT NO COST- the G-A-I email templates AT NO COST, the exact way in which I market AT NO COST. This must prove that you can make BIG TIME INCOME with G-A-I, for why would anyone make you pay them to show you how to market your business if the marketing actually worked? Wouldn't they make those dollars anyway when you use those marketing strategies, for you are in THEIR network marketing business? So why should you pay to learn how to market?

And the bottom line is that if you don't know how to market, then you can't make a dime from the internet, regardless of how powerful the income-opportunity is! With these free-to-join opportunities, how many people do you think actually follow out the system? They've taken nothing out of their pocket to join the system, so what is pushing them to run the business and make their dollars back (what they spent to join the business) with a whole load more on top (i.e. the start of some BIG TIME INCOME)? It doesn't work guys!

I could have easily put a free-to-join-opportunity in our system and I would still make BIG TIME INCOME, but I would rather have 10 people working the business rather then 1000 that don't do squat! The bottom line is that our marketing works, so by placing the online-opportunity that I have in our system, I am filtering my mentoring efforts even further, by only mentoring those who are serious about making big time income on the internet- these are the only people I am interested in, for I know these people will follow out my system and make themselves BIG TIME RESIDUAL INCOME. Why would I waste my time on those no-hopers that just sit on their back-sides? And I would attract too many no-hopers by placing a free-to join system here.

For all you sceptical people out there, this is a genuine offer, you will be taught how you can market with no cost and start building income just as I did when I was marketing at the start. You can then bump up your marketing by putting in a certain amount of dollars a week (determined by you of course), and your income will shot through the roof! Your extra income will for sure pay for your marketing and will in turn enable you to earn a HUGE GROWING RESIDUAL INCOME! I work this business part time and just for fun now- I don't need to do anything to make more money- why? Because this business works in such a way that my wealth grows residually without any effort on my part- that's the power of leverage!

Please review our site:


You will be shown EXACTLY how to do this and will be given the A-Z of how to run this business, from what buttons to press to what emails to send out! IT STILL WORKS! And will do so for years to come! "But who do I send emails out to?"- Don't worry about that- that is all automatically taken care of in this system!

Think about it, if your sponsor was making bucket loads of dollars, why doesn't he tell you exactly how he does it? …Because he hasn't made a dime!... and is just trying to recruit you with false hopes! Why don't people out there give you their time or mentoring with no cost? Isn't the whole point of network marketing that your downline should be successful in order for you to be successful? In order to be truly profitable from network marketing (i.e. making thousands on top of thousands), you have to ensure that your downline is making that big income and are following a tried and tested system that has proven to make people income every time it is used!

And, this is exactly what I intend to do!

I am in Kumar Kaushal's (the creator of this program's) network, and have been taught the very secretive marketing strategies that have helped 137 people so far reach a six-figure income, and 80% of these people paid Kumar to mentor them!

Grab this offer while you can!

Have a read of some testimonials:

"I've Made $1,204 in my first week! Amazing!"

Christina Jeqres ( Oregon, USA)

“In our first full-time month our income was $7,000 p/m”

Mathew and I were both working full-time in 9 to 5 jobs. My sister mentioned someone she knew was doing this online-opportunity, we were looking for extra income, so she gave us his number. It sounded a perfect way to earn an extra income without affecting our "proper jobs" - We started off part-time just a couple of hours every few days. Then, five months later, we both gave up our office jobs to do it full time. In our first full-time month our income was $7,000 p/m, just earned from our personal efforts only! We've certainly not looked back, as with this business, your income multiplies automatically! We love the feeling of building wealth rather than just earning a wage, and are looking forward to the future because we know it's just going to get better!

Mathew & Susan Davis ( Nevada, USA)

“Your NO COST mentorship is a godsend!”

Thanks so much Kumar! I don't believe I am making a six figure income, and that within 4 months! I quit my day-job yesterday, and this has only been possible because of you! Thanks for helping me every step of the way! I must admit that I was a little skeptical before, but when I saw how much support you were giving me, it gave me all the confidence I needed! It's been great fun working with you, and I still can't believe how simple the instructions you gave me were! Your NO COST mentorship is a godsend! I will be recommending your system to everyone I know! Thanks again!

Brian Gibson

( Bristol, UK)

Now, I'm sure you are wondering why is this being done without a cost to me? I'd be worried if you weren't! When people tell you that they are doing this out of the "goodness of their heart" or "because they are in such a good place, they want to help anyone they can", don't walk away....RUN AWAY!

People like that are just out to make a "quick buck"- They haven't been successful at their particular business opp. so they think its time to "flog" it off! NO-ONE does something for nothing, and Kumar, by all means, is no exception to this. The system Kumar has created makes it possible to make RESIDUAL INCOME, and that's what you are taught to generate. At the same time, when you make money, so will I, and that's why I love this system so much!... everyone is willing to help because you making dollars means they do too!!

But just remember that YOU come first! It won't be the case that you make nothing but your upline does, NO! That is why this mentoring is being given at no cost at the moment, because I am so sure that you will be successful, that there is no doubt about my success despite the risk (of time) that is being taken for you!

So fellow marketer, this is a genuine offer, please grab it while you can!

You have a few options:

a.) view the link below, review the site and learn more about this mentoring.

b.) do the above and call me (my telephone number is below) to introduce yourself so I have a better idea of where you want to go with this business. We can then discuss your next steps and get you started on making some big time income!

c.) do (a.) and request for me to call you back (details of how to do this are in the link below) so we can discuss your next steps and get you started on making some big time income!

Those of you who join the business will receive NO COST mentoring regardless of if they contact me or request for a call back. This initial contact is an introduction for the mentor and student- the actual mentoring process is given to every person.

This is a very rare offer, for you will be mentored without paying a dime, but this is for a limited time only so please hurry and view the site below IMMEDIATELY!.

Obviously it is much quicker for you to call me rather then waiting for me to call you. This is the preferred method of contact for me, but nevertheless, if you want me to call you then simply follow out the instructions below:

I will personally be talking with you and the frequency of our telephone conversations is up to you (I can call you daily if you want!)

Remember, I only want serious people, and if I feel that you will not put in the effort, then you will not be mentored.

Please review our site:


I will be contacting those of you shortly who have requested for a call back.

To your success,

Reinaldo Lopez

p.s. If you have requested for a call back, make sure you tell me your telephone number along with the best time to call you (and the country in which you reside)

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