
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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MARKETING Online or by's not a one-shot deal, it's a JOURNEY to the BACKEND SALES FORTUNE!!
5/9/2007 7:58:27 AM

I wrote this as a response this morning to someone who said they tried mail-order and it didn't work for them.  Did they try once?  Did they try one program?  Is it really about business programs?  NOT REALLY!!

Online:  Use autoresponders, post your autoresponder address everywhere allowable.  Maintain the subscribers interest so they don't unsubscribe, offer continual freebies and information in each upcoming message that they can't get anywhere else.  Use autoresponder forms on your sites so people can easily subscribe, use the redirect-page feature so they will see the website you want them to see after they subscribe to your message.

By postal mail:  Use postcards to keep your costs down.  Use toll-free phone numbers to gather your prospects names and addresses, or request that they reply to you with a self-addressed stamped envelope to receive more information.  Postcards have a nearly 100% chance of being read.  They also have a high rate of being tossed immediately so make sure your headline is bold and VERY captivating, and keep the wording on your postcard brief and with high urgency for the reader to respond.

Constant follow-up is the key to successful marketing.  Gathering your prospects contact information is the foundation on which your empire will be built.  Marketing is not a one-time experience, it's a continual journey.  Your backend sales should be 1,000% more than your front-end sales.  Gaining prospects by offering freebies or almost-freebies has been the tried and true way for a very long time.

Marketing is not about which program you are promoting, it's just about PROMOTING.  If it's done correctly, by gaining contact information of interested prospects, and then following up, and making repeat sales, and reinvesting most of your profits into more advertising, you will earn a consistently larger income.

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The Drummerboy

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Re: MARKETING Online or by's not a one-shot deal, it's a JOURNEY to the BACKEND SALES FORTUNE!!
5/9/2007 12:03:57 PM
Hi Kathleen!  :-)

I know what you mean!  You know......I hate the word TRY.  Yoda once spoke of the insanity of "trying" to do something.

"There is no try.  Only DO.  Do.......or do not!"

This relays an important message.  If you merely set out to "try" something.....then that is all you will accomplish.  What exactly did this person "try" to do.  Did they know what they were doing before they "tried" to work this program?

Ya grandpa always told me:  "Son, if you don't know how to do something.....for Pete's sake find someone who does!"  This relays the importance of finding a mentor.  Someone who can teach you to do what they've already done!  Why would anyone think that they can effectively teach themself?  Oh yeah.....I forgot about that minor little detail callen the ego.  LOL

But you are so an opportunity is more than promotion.  A folow-up IS A CRITICAL MUST!  I can't tell you how many people here in ALP have missed the boat with me on that all because they never followed up!

When I partner up with someone....I don't partner up with just anyone.  I want someone who is really working their program!  Following up with someone can make all the difference in the world.  And yes.....that means picking up the phone people! 

I know most of you hate that....but it's a critical part of this line of work if you want to succeed! 

Thank you for this much-needed post Kathleen!  YOU ROCK GIRL!

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

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Bruce Butler

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Re: MARKETING Online or by's not a one-shot deal, it's a JOURNEY to the BACKEND SALES FORTUNE!!
5/9/2007 12:27:59 PM

Kathleen: I believe mail-order or any other kind of direct mail has a 1-2% success rate. Over the years I have found that number to be true. Do you agree?

Thanks, Bruce Seaweedman Help Veterans
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Jena Carver

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Re: MARKETING Online or by's not a one-shot deal, it's a JOURNEY to the BACKEND SALES FORTUNE!!
5/9/2007 1:16:40 PM

Kathy I want to say thanks for the opportunity to promote my site I love your posts and try to read them all but you post so often its hard to keep up LOL

I wanted to share this piece of news with all of our friends here at adland.

This internet newbi has just created and hosted her first website I hope you will all take a look at and then contact me through my forum here on adland or the forum on the mamajena site. I would like as much feed back as possible all I ask it that you remember that this is my first site so be gentle in your critique If you dont want your comment to be seen and would like to send me an email send it to website critique should be in the subject line please

Jena Carver aka mamajena
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Mike Mikovich

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Re: MARKETING Online or by's not a one-shot deal, it's a JOURNEY to the BACKEND SALES FORTUNE!!
5/9/2007 1:32:29 PM

the guy that is training me in the business says it might take awhile to develop a pattern of promoting. He says the main thing is just to concentrate on promoting.

He suggests everything to do such as safelists,free ads,forums,ezine ads,auto responders and so much more. He keeps it simple bys aying you probably wont see results immediately but he says you keep at it and do it everyday,then one day so much of my program and information will be out there that people will start coming but he is keen on saying you just can do 10 ads a day and expect results,he says you have to get your site out there for a ton of people to see then eventually the sales will come in.He says he has seen to many people give up after a few weeks or months and give up but he says you are consistent then boom, you will start getting results mike

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