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Re: Hi friends, You are invited to share your Opportunities.....
5/5/2007 6:03:22 PM

The ONLY program you will ever need to JOIN.., Come join a team of international marketing professional with over 17 years of experience in the network marketing and internet marketing industry.

If you are tired of not earning any money from your programs then you need to join our team IMMEDATELY so we can start training you the correct and most effective way of building a large income and membership in any program you are currently already doing... Your FUTURE is in your hands and by joining our team you will put your future SUCCESS in hyper mode and your income will EXPLODE within a few short weeks.

Come LEARN from the BEST and get the help you need to SUCCEED!!!

No hype, just solid internet training from the best in the industry. Ask questions, get one on one help, learn how to correct the things you are doing wrong and how to do things correctly to BOOST your INCOME to over $6,000 per month in just a few short months..

Our team is standing by to give you 24x7 support and the training you need to SUCCEED in any internet or network marketing business. Just go to and get signed up and lets us start helping you on your road to SUCCESS today...

Will Ballard MSN: Skype: will.ballard Yahoo IM: gr8dncrr
5/5/2007 6:13:52 PM

I will PERSONALLY help you enroll at least 70% of your QUALIFIED PROSPECTS in any LEGITIMATE MLM company. You’ll PAY ME NOTHING because I’ll do it for FREE. How? You’ll do 3 things:* 1. Download and read a free ebook that I will provide (you won’t get any SPAM, and I won’t try to recruit you or sell you anything.) 2. After you read the book, I’ll give you AT LEAST 1 HOUR of AUDIO TRAINING. The training is FREE and works for you in ANY REAL MLM COMPANY. (If you’re in a scam, the training will backfire on you. If your company is legitimate, you have nothing to worry about.) 3. After the training, you can have an UNLIMITED AMOUNT of personal coaching. The cost is whatever you pay to use your phone. Most people have free or “flat rate” long distance; in that case, the coaching is FREE. WHY? (How can we do this for FREE?) Everyone who does this is already successful in MLM, so we don’t need your money. You or anyone else can have this FREE training if you want it. *Here’s the “fine print” We have a free ebook called Success In 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy. Click here to see the table of contents. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to get your free ebook. Fill out the form (no form, no book. We promise, no SPAM.) Within 1-2 working days after you download your free ebook, I’ll also send you some free audio training: 1. The 5 Pillars of MLM Success 2. “Colors” To Success 3. The Secrets of MLM Compensation Plans 4. How To Find HUNGRY Prospects 5. Best MLM Business Models Before I send the training, I’ll call you first and confirm your email address. I’ll want to know if you got your ebook, and if it’ll open for you (it’s a PDF file). Then, I’ll send you ANY or ALL of the free training. If you want the training, you MUST take my call (no call, no training. I promise, no sales tactics.) After your free MLM training, we can work one-on-one or in a group to enroll AT LEAST 70% OF YOUR QUALIFIED MLM PROSPECTS into your chosen MLM. Doesn’t matter what company or where you find the prospects, we’ll help you in ANY legitimate MLM company. If you have any questions, send me an email or call me at (903) 593-7533. My name is Kaleem.
Thinh Du

800 Posts
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Re: Hi friends, You are invited to share your Opportunities.....
5/5/2007 11:12:14 PM

Hi Glenn

Yes, I am taking

I just found this Powerful tool:


Thinh D.


Bj Burgess

4768 Posts
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Re: Hi friends, You are invited to share your Opportunities.....
5/6/2007 8:56:20 AM

Hello Thinh

I just joined a program recommended to me by Beth Schmillen here at Adland.

It is in true pre-launch and I'm in the process of not just evaluating it but promoting it with classified ads etc...
As a community-based association of professional online networkers, our growth and recognition within the Network Marketing Industry will be determined by the number
of networkers we help every day.

Whether it's a marketing tip, marketing tool, or advertising resource, if we can help spark a fire in your business, we've done our job.

The potential for the Moneydogs is virtually limitless. With exponential membership growth, extraordinary success levels will be created for those members who utilize the free tools and marketing systems we provide in your member's area.

The Moneydogs membership is FREE.... It's your ticket to future prosperity.... But, in order for us to reap the rewards of 200,000 members, or 400,000 members, we need to make it happen first..... Time to go to work.....

The very next thing you need to do, is to invite 5 personal friends or business contacts to join us as Moneydogs. If those 5 do the same as you, and invite 5 business associates to join with us, it won't be very long for our membership to exceed a million.

What would it be like to have several thousand join under you in your business opportunity?

What would it be like if you recommended a new business opportunity, and the Moneydogs decided to join your business?

When we all work together, we will make it happen.....

Imagine the possibilities!
Welcome to the tidal wave!





Thinh Du

800 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Hi friends, You are invited to share your Opportunities.....
5/7/2007 2:56:35 AM





Some one just shared me this:


