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Neil Sperling

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Re: It is all about Choice
8/14/2007 11:50:14 PM

Nick - May your Dreams become reality for you my friend

Other good comments in this thread too.... this particular thread is for the posting of golden "Thought" Gems...... some poems, - some just good words.

Glad you dropped in!


Nick Grimshawe

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Re: It is all about Choice
8/14/2007 11:53:37 PM
Okay Neil,

Twice in one forum. That is  a great poem. I salute whoever wrote it. I love the start.

I've been  sitting at my summer dinning room, the one outside on the balcony where we take all our meals from late spring on, and loving on the day, just absorbing all the beauty in the lazy afternoon. I was giving away my time to the day. my soul to the silence, my thoughts to the universe.

My reward came back pretty quickly with just a hint of fragrance on the sleepy air. I couldn't help but take a deep breath to pull in as much of the scent as I could. I felt like I was breathing in the spark of the divine. The perfume was never more than a whispher, but it spoke to me of all the lazy afternoons that it has been my joy to experience.

In the last week, I have purposely slowed my pace. I was moving far to fast, trying to do all those things internet marketers need to do, and do all the stuff my job required.

Funny, since I slowed down, time has stretch right out.

We do have a choice. We can dash through our life, or we can linger over it like fine wine.

Okay I think I got carried away. But that's what poetry will do to one.


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Nick Grimshawe

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Re: It is all about Choice
8/14/2007 11:59:34 PM
Hi Neil,

That is one awesome poem and thank you for sharing it with us. You capture all the wonderful qualities of connections not to your package(body) but to your soul.
The poem has a gentle, easy feel of serenity.


Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Judy Smith

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Re: It is all about Choice
8/15/2007 9:47:29 AM

Nick and Neil!!  The grusome twosome.  AWESOME stuff here.

Neil - did you write the WORDS OF WISDOM????  That is a terrific creed and poem!! 

Hats off to you Nick for slowing down and recognizing that rushing affords us the same results as doing nothing sometimes.

You mentioned the dash and it triggered for me part of training I went through about a year ago. 

WHAT IS YOUR DASH?  Your dash is the lifeline between life and death.

You have seen it on tombstones: 

                  Here lies __________________

                                     1924 - 2000


So, what is your dash? What will people remember about you? 

My mom was the Queen of cliches.  She never heard a cliche that she didn't use for the rest of her life.  She used to say "The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get".

So glad you have discovered, Nick that methodical consistence gets you there and more efficiently than rushing and dashing.

OK, that  is enough from me for the moment!! 



Neil Sperling

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Re: It is all about Choice
8/23/2007 9:40:13 PM

Another point about choice....

"Being in the moment" .... between stimulus and response - there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In those choices lie our growth and our happiness !

Failing to notice that space, kills our chance for controlled or directed change. Recognizing that space, gives us the power to choose, the power to direct, the power to influence and the power to create our future NOW!

