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Judy Smith

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Re: Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age...
4/30/2007 12:21:09 PM

I have to agree with Jason L. and John.  True wisdom comes from knowing oneself first and then considering the rest. 

This is a great quote Bogdan.  I have to watch the posts on this one, it could get interesting.



Phillip Black

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Re: Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age...
4/30/2007 1:37:54 PM

Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for the great quote.

In general I must agree with this statement.  Within my experience, however, there was one notable exception.  When I was growing up, the farther I aged past my 21st Birthday, the smarter my Parents became.

Thanks Again,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Nick Sym

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Re: Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age...
4/30/2007 3:37:35 PM

Hi Bogdan,

Dear Abby is a syndicated advice column started in 1956 by Pauline Esther Friedman Phillips and currently written by her daughter, Jeanne Phillips. Abigail Van Buren has been the pen name used by both writers for the column. According to its publishers, the column is known for its "uncommon common sense and youthful perspective" and is read by more people than any other newspaper column worldwide.

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Re: Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age...
4/30/2007 5:28:41 PM


Hi Bogdan,

Nothing doesn't automatically come in our life as well as only a very few wines improve with age.

 Wisdom  is the result of accumulated knowledge, accumulated experience and intellectual ability.

Wisdom  is not the result of age.


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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age...
4/30/2007 5:38:25 PM
Great Quote and Analogy,
lets see wisdom comes from experience the ups and downs of life, the bumps and hurdles of the roads traveled and the grapes well its how they are carefully cultivated and cared for that makes the true taste and smoothness of the wine.This is a great topic, one of my many passions this topic I could go on forever but wont.
Thanks,Have an amazing  week.
Kathy Hamilton
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