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Judy Smith

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Re: One Child At A Time
3/20/2008 9:07:26 AM

Hi Terry,

It is so wonderful to see you back and active here. 

I got goose bumps when I read your post.  My Mall is Judy's Miracle Mall.  Well, we always did have a cosmic connection, I suppose that some things haven't changed, and now I am connected with Merv as well!

What a wonderful business My Power Mall is too. What a way to make a difference and help one child at a time.  I never shop on line any more unless I go through my Mall first.  Just knowing that getting what I need that way (and at a discount) will help someone else!  What a wonderful feeling.

Welcome back, my sweet friend!!



Terry Gorley

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Re: One Child At A Time
3/21/2008 1:14:21 PM

Ah Judy ... THANK YOU ... its wonderful to be back and active again!

Its even more wonderful to not only be back, but to know that through My Power Mall, I'm Making A Difference! 

I love your Mall name ( Judy's Miracle Mall ) and the amazing connection to my husband ( Merv's Miracle Mall  )! Its an incredible feeling to know we have made the transition from "being just another shopper" to a SHOPPER WHO IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

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Terry Gorley

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Re: One Child At A Time
3/21/2008 1:23:40 PM

Thank you Geogios for visiting the One Child At A Time forum and leaving your wonderful Easter videos for us to enjoy.  They're greatly appreciated! 

Smile & Have A Wonderful Easter Weekend



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Terry Gorley

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Re: One Child At A Time
3/25/2008 12:53:58 PM


Meet Olivia!

Olivia Naijemba





Olivia is only 10 years old, but already supports her mother and sister from the small field of corn and potatoes that she tends when she isn’t in school.


Olivia’s father died from AIDS when she was 5 years old and now she cares for her mother who is also sick.


This feisty little girl lives in the small village of Bugonzi, and was chosen to be part of the GCCI project. Because of that, she gets to attend school – the only child in her family to do so. If you ask, she’ll tell you learning English is one of the best parts of her education. Although Olivia has four other siblings (one brother and three sisters), only one sister still lives at home with Olivia and their mother. As the older child, Olivia is responsible for caring for her mother and little sister as well as tending the field.


On weekdays, Olivia walks the two miles (each way) to school. On the weekend, she walks over four miles to the main roadway to sell what corn and potatoes she’s been able to harvest to passers-by. She uses the money to buy a little extra food for her mother and sister.


Olivia has been chosen to be part of the SIFA Africa Choir that will be touring the eastern part of the United States for six months this spring and summer. She loves to sing and perform and is very excited about helping to raise money for other children like herself in Uganda. When Olivia smiles her face lights up and her eyes twinkle with the knowledge that because of your help, she will have a future.



Glory Children's City International (GCCI) is a group of more than 30 people who joined together in 2005 to make life better for a group of orphans in Masaka, Uganda. All of the officers and board members are volunteers. Administrative supplies, time, and all items needed for the GCCI project are donated by the board and other members. This is a program where 100% of the funding and resources go directly to the children.


Every purchase made on MY POWER MALL helps us feed, clothe and provide schooling for Olivia.




We may not be able to help every child,

but together we can help



Shamrocks & Hearts Making A Difference One Child At A Time



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Terry Gorley

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Re: One Child At A Time
4/30/2008 1:45:22 PM


Meet Mudasilu!


Mudasilu Mutyaba





Mudasilu “Mudu” Mutyaba has six sisters and one brother and lives in a very small, one room house in the small village of Kitwekyanjovu. He is the middle child and the oldest one living at home. Mudu was just 10 years old when his father died of AIDS – that was three years ago.


Mudu was chosen to be part of the GCCI project in 2005 and because of this he is the first one in his family to attend school. When not in school, Mudu helps with chores around his home. Some of those are collecting wood, washing clothes and helping his mother with his siblings, especially the youngest who is sick. Mudu also cares for the chicken he received from the GCCI animal program. To help raise money for the family on the weekends, 13-year-old Mudu walks six miles to the closest town to dig ditches along the road as part of a work crew. He then walks to the closest market to buy food for his family, then walks home.


This exceptional young man is very excited to be part of the SIFA Children’s Choir which is currently touring the United States to help raise money for other AIDS orphans back home in Uganda. He is eager to meet the people who have sponsored him so he can attend school. Mudu knows that an education will enable him to help others in his country.



Glory Children's City International (GCCI) is a group of more than 30 people who joined together in 2005 to make life better for a group of orphans in Masaka, Uganda. All of the officers and board members are volunteers. Administrative supplies, time, and all items needed for the GCCI project are donated by the board and other members. This is a program where 100% of the funding and resources go directly to the children.


Every purchase made on MY POWER MALL helps us feed, clothe and provide schooling for Mudu.




We may not be able to help every child,

but together we can help




Shamrocks & Hearts Making A Difference One Child At A Time



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