HI Las,
You are very welcome my friend! I just had to share this with all of my friends here that I love so dearly!
God Bless You As Well,
HI Sweet Deborah,
I do write poetry, but I did not write this one. I received this in an email and shared it with all of you Hon! Maybe one day I will write a poem for all of my dear friends here though. It's wonderful to have great friends like you Hon!
God Bless You Always,
Love Ya, Marilyn
HI Sarah,
Thank you, I love my friends here and just want you to all know how much I love and appreciate all of you! I am happy to hear that you enjoy reading my forums, even if you do not post each time. That makes me very happy to know that people are reading them! Thanks.
God Bless You Hon!
Love Marilyn
HI Dave,
I was very happy to share this with all of my friends here. You are all such a blessing to me, and I care about everyone here! Thanks for the kind words my friend...that was very nice of you!
Take care and God Bless You,