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Be inspired
4/27/2007 10:09:38 AM

Hi everyone,

The title of this forum "We never stop learning" now has a true inspiration.

Today is the first day of my retirement. (2nd retirement). Retirement is the wrong word.  This is the first day of my promotion as I am moving on up.  I may have left a structured rigid work schedule but now I have the freedom to do what I would like to do. 


This lady is a true inspiration.  Go read her story.

Never stop learning! 

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Re: Be inspired
4/27/2007 10:43:32 AM
Congratulations! I have come to believe there word "retirement" must have been the figment of some-one's imagination! And, I believe that one should never stop learnig! Blessings! Miss Annie
Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly....Leave the rest to God! Miss Annie
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Re: Be inspired
4/27/2007 10:54:58 AM

Hi Annie,

Great to see you come by for a visit.  Hope you read her story.  She has a unique occupation planned too!!

Re: Be inspired
4/27/2007 1:26:44 PM

Nola Ochs has truly reached 'self-actualization', a goal all of us strive for but many can't quite reach.  Her new career sounds like a real holiday.  Outstanding!

I toy with the idea of going back to school, but just to sit in on classes instead of working for a grade.  Just to keep my two brain cells in shape, ya know  :-)

You say that you're 'moving on up' and that this is your '2nd retirement'.  'Promotion'?  Fill me in as I think I may have missed something.

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Re: Be inspired
4/27/2007 2:49:53 PM


I was a teacher for 23 years.  After my husband died I did not want to go to teacher----burn out ya know.  Instead I began with a temperary service and eventually found a full time job in a warehouse where I have worked for 9 years.

This meant I went to bed about 8 pm and got up at 4:30.  On overtime it was 7:00 o bed and up at 3:30.  Not much fun and no LIFE. 

I finally made the break and am now fully retired living on retirement income.  In 3 weeks I go to Washington DC to work in a guest house for  2 weeks in May and 1 in June.  Then 5 weeks at a camp in Michigan.  I'll do some story telling too, just like Nola. 

Sleeping in to 6:30 am is moving on up to me.  Working without pay is moving on up also as I have totaly downsized in needs and responsibilities. I feel like I will have a freer life with fewer things controlling my life. That's moving on up to me.!


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