Hi, Mary,
O Jeez,
Where do I get the time for another community?
When I look at the amount of time I spend just keeping up to date with my small circle of friends here, at Adland, I have to wonder if I could do justice to another membership. Also, of course, there is all the other interaction I have on the net with thousands of individuals.
It all demands time.
I must be the world's worst recruiter and am certainly not making much money on the internet - but I am having a great time and the constant receipt of news, information and messages has been an enormous help to me during my recent ill health.
Looking at Ojeez, I can see that this could either become addictive and take up even more of my limited spare time or be wasted because I simply couldn't devote the necessary time to it.
I thank you for the invitation but, in all conscience, I'd hate to join just for the sake of joining.
The Old Coot