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Thomas Richmond

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Wishing Mothers a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
4/24/2007 5:52:24 PM

Mother's Day Poem

Mothers are Special People

© By Lachelle B. Ransom

Mothers are special people
God knew that from the start
That's why he created them in His own image and to them gave the biggest heart.
She's able to heal our hurts with only a kiss and hug
She's able to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner and is never slow as a slug.
Mothers are special people
God knew they'd always be
He created them to do so much that involves you and me.
She has to be a teacher to teach us what we need to know
She has to be a taxi driver to get us where we need to go.
Mothers are special people
God knew His work was complete
When He created someone that could do SOOO much on her own two feet.
She is a Christian on Him she depends
She displays the fruit of the Spirit and a helping hand she is willing to lend.
Mothers are special people
God tells me so each day
To all you Moms and single moms of courage here at Adlandpro.  This is for you.
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Lisa Simpkins

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Re: Wishing Mothers a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
4/24/2007 6:22:47 PM

Hello Thomas,

Thank you for the Mothers Day Poem you are a good friend Thomas.

Have a blessed day!


Diane Bjorling

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Re: Wishing Mothers a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
4/24/2007 6:24:27 PM

Good grief!! Is that coming up??? wow..alrighty then..thanks for the reminder..sheesh need to get something for Sylvia ( my daughter)..Would you mind if i send this to her..she would love it...thank-you are a true friend indeed...I can't believe I forgot..sheesh


Thomas Richmond

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Re: Wishing Mothers a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
4/24/2007 6:55:14 PM

Your Welcome, glad to be encouraging! I know for my mother was very tuff to raise 3 kids let alone being handicapped herself so she couldn't other than for a drinking habit she couldnt do us justice so my grandmother raised us all. Forgiveness is Key to your happiness inside the heart. Enjoy your day in the Sun!

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Nick Sym

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Re: Wishing Mothers a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
4/25/2007 12:28:47 AM

Hello Thomas,

Thank you for the Mothers Day Poem my friend, very tender!

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