Hello Elaine,
every one ELAINE, is my Human Resourse Partner and expert.
Most people would answer the question, "What makes a good business," excellent marketable product in high demand, a rock-solid company, not in debt, yada yada yada.
Those are all important in the calculation of success, but a really good company is not defined by it's tangible assets, but human resources. You might have the best idea in the world, but if your associates and employees are not happy, active, and doing a great job of customer service, you will have a very low conversion rate. Positive action is power in any industry.
Potential customers these days have so many places to choose from to get basically anything they want, that offering a great product is not enough. If they write the company a question, they will expect a quick, informative, and friendly response, or else they will go elsewhere. They want to know their business is appreciated, and rightfully so! They worked hard for their money!
Aaron and Kathy
253 277 1238
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