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Re: Formaldehyde *Carcinogen* In skin care and Vaccines **Save the Children**
4/24/2007 4:50:14 PM

Hello Nick


Great to see that you are willing to go deeper into the rabbit’s whole.


Only if you are awake will you be able to see that what is being done to the

Millions of children is and assault to the body that does have deadly consequences.


Let us continue to sound the Alarm and save the children.


Please do make a document of the post and hand it out in the community.

Ask the person that you are giving a copy to make copies and to make a commitment to hand out to 10 people.


In 30 days or weeks millions of people will have received a copy.

Day/Week One – 10 people


2- 10 people who hand out to 10 each = 100


3- 100 X 10  = 1000


4- 1000 X 10 = 10,000


5- 10,000 X 10  = 100,000


6- 100,000 X 10 = 1,000,000


So as you can see in 6 weeks we will have reached 1 Million people.


Can you imagine In 30 weeks how many people will read this document? WOW!


Thanks again for your post

In everything you do your LOVE Shines through

Robert C


Re: Formaldehyde *Carcinogen* In skin care and Vaccines **Save the Children**
4/24/2007 5:04:21 PM



You are so right on and I quote:

“Anyone that would put that poison into their child is crazy and looking for health and mental issues later in life .. Look at the rise of Autism, ADD and ADHA .. And other child hood diseases since vaccines have come about”.


The sheep are just following orders and going to the slaughter house so that later in life and some times very early in life children become pHarma drugs dependent due to the pre cursors of diseases that have been injected.


Read the TRUE story of little Alexander. Be sure to pass this on to others to save the lives of children


Can anyone one say follow the money.


Thanks again for your post

In everything you do your LOVE Shines through.


Re: Formaldehyde *Carcinogen* In skin care and Vaccines **Save the Children**
4/24/2007 5:22:26 PM



Just to support what you said in your post about people not reading or asking for the Package insert of the Meds they are taking.


Here is a classic example. My friend told me about his mom taking Meds for Thyroid Gland and I told him to email me the name so that I can check it out.


This totally blew me away.

Levocil is also known as Levofloxacin - FOR THE THYROY GLAND


This one is really dangerous. You can go to the page and read lots more about

Other risks.  The information below  was found in this link.  


Adverse reactions associated with Levofloxacin:

diarrhea, nausea, vaginitis, pruritus, rash, abdominal pain, genital, moniliasis, dizziness, dyspepsia,  insomnia, taste perversion,  vomiting, anorexia, anxiety, constipation, edema, fatigue, headache, increased sweating, leukorrhea, malaise, nervousness, sleep disorders, tremor, urticaria, nausea, dyspepsia, vaginitis, pruritus, pain, chest pain, back pain, arthralgia, dry mouth, dyspnea,edema, fatigue, fever, genital pruritus, increased sweating, nervousness, pharyngitis, rhinitis, skin disorder, somnolence, taste perversion cardia failure, hypertension, leukorrhea, myocardial infarction, myalgia, purpura, tinnitus, tremor, urticaria.abnormal coordination, abnormal dreaming, abnormal hepatic function, abnormal platelets, abnormal renal function, abnormal vision, acute renal failure, aggravated diabetes mellitus, aggressive reaction, anemia, angina pectoris, ARDS, arrhythmia, arthritis, asthma, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, cerebrovascular disorder, circulatory failure, coma, confusion, convulsions (seizures), coronary thrombosis, delirium, depression, diplopia, embolism-blood clot, emotionally lability, erythema nodosum, G.I. hemorrhage, granulocytopenia, hallucination, heartblock, hepatic coma, hypoglycemia, hypotension, impaired concentration, increased LDH, jaundice, leukocytosis, leukopenia, lymphadenopathy, manic reaction, mental deficiency, muscle weakness, pancreatitis, paralysis, paranoia, postural hypotension, pseudomembranous colitis, rhabdomyolysis, sleep disorders, speech disorder, stupor, syncope, tachycardia, tendinitis, thrombocytopenia, vertigo, weight decrease, WBC abnormal not otherwise specified


This is the link where I was able to find out the pharmaceutical name of

Levocil that is the same as Levofloxacin.


WOW! This is just insane to take this TOXIC DRUG.


If you know some one with thyroid problems have them email me and I will

Get them Natural help.


To your health and success

In every thing you do you LOVE Shine through

Robert C

Geketa Holman

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Re: Formaldehyde *Carcinogen* In skin care and Vaccines **Save the Children**
4/25/2007 9:46:51 AM

Hi Robert again and I hope you don't mind ,

I read the story of little Alexander that is such a sad thing for a child to have to go though .. but it brings up something you mentioned in your post to me" follow the money" .. I have followed it .. it all goes back to the pharmaceutical companies and WHO. IF anyone things they are their friends they best be thinking again. THEY are not. !!

 If you dig deep enough you will also discover the genocide agenda the wonderful supposed "WHO" has been working on since they are the ones that let the HIV virus and cancer demons out of the bag in the first place, by the way they are the ones that created these monsters ..the vaccines are grow from monkeys , cows and other animals now my question is ? Who in their right mind would want to inject another species of anything into their bodies??? I am sure you probably are already aware of this by now. It is great to know I am not the only one that digs into the follow the money trail.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Re: Formaldehyde *Carcinogen* In skin care and Vaccines **Save the Children**
4/26/2007 4:08:44 PM



Boy you just hit a huge nerve. You are so right about the  GENOCIDE AGENDA, and they are after the CHILDREN.


Here is an excellent online video by Dr Ayoub. This video is just awesome. You will clearly see what the agenda is after you watch this video. Pass it on to others.


On Line Video - Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda  

David Ayoub, M.D. 



What Is Coming Through That Needle? The Problem of Pathogenic Vaccine

Contamination by Benjamin McRearden


We must continue to sound the alarm to save the lives of many children.


To your health and success

