How do we do it? (without valium, LOL) I'm going to keep my first message short and sweet...not cause I don't have I have opinions, but I don't wanna freak you out on our first tete-a-te...(holy french spelling, batman!)
I'm just dabbling my big toe in this new forum stuff and I really can't wait to hear the responses. I am a "cybe-junkie", LOL...but do actually find a pretty go
od balnce between computer (her name is Aruba) and home and family.
What is my forum about? ....Just do we all do it? We work, we investigate income opportunities, we'd all love to work from home and make a cazillion dollars...we flit...we flounder...we chalk up amazing hours of searches, investigations....we're "outta control"!!!
So lets just take a minute, focus, relax...and chat.
If nothing else, maybe this forum will help us all just "chill" a lil!
I'm prepared to tell you all everything about me....NEXT TIME! For now...I want to hear all about you. Do ya know...every problem I've had in the past...I sit down and write a letter...sometimes tearful...sometimes mean...sometimes down right begging....Heeee....and then I never send it!!! But, geez to I feel better after!!! (Cept maybe needing a lil nap...baring one's soul is exhausting)!!!
So, people talk to me, vent at me, unload on me...CAUSE I'M GONNA DO THE SAME TO YOU SOONER OR LATER!!!
There's nothing you can do to me that will hurt me except IGNORE me.
Sincerely, Sandy Green
p.s. if you really need a private friend, find me at