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Judy Smith

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Re: The way to get started is to quit talking..
4/23/2007 11:53:14 AM

Hi Bogdan,

Walt Disney was certainly a man who will be forever seen as a man of action rather than works. 

My Dad was a Confusious fan - He used to use the quote that Phil Black just inserted all the time!!!

Great quote - have a geat day!


Kathy Hamilton

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Re: The way to get started is to quit talking..
4/23/2007 11:59:54 AM
Hello Bogdan,
Just had to come back in and add one more thought!!!

"Seize the day!
"If your real desire is to do good, There is no need to wait for money before you do it:

You can do it now,at this very moment, and just where you are".
- James Allen-

Thanks your much appreciated in all our lives, you truly bless each of us daily!!!!
Kathy Hamilton/
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Lisa Simpkins

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Re: The way to get started is to quit talking..
4/23/2007 1:15:59 PM

Hello Bogdan,

It is important to have all lines of communication open but if you spend to much time talking then the rest is neglectd so pace yourself.

Thank you,

Lisa S.

Neil Sperling

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Re: The way to get started is to quit talking..
4/23/2007 1:31:11 PM


Great Quote - I heard this version of it

"it is NOT a miracle that anyone succeeds - the miracle lies in the fact they chose to begin"



Thomas Richmond

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Re: The way to get started is to quit talking..
4/23/2007 1:45:28 PM

"You do what you say, and you say what you do". sweet and to the point as well. Thanks for the Disney qoute Bogdan. (smile.) Prayerwarrior

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