
Sam Hall

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If I Had only Known Then, What I Know Now !
4/20/2007 8:58:50 AM
If I Had only Known Then, What I Know Now !
How often have we all said those words ?
Folks, with that in mind, Here's your chance to Know NOW.
When in a few months, other Folks will be saying those words.
What is the worse that can Happen ?
Switch stores and buy some products that you will buy this month anyway.
Products we all use everyday. By doing this you put yourself in a spot to say,
I knew then what others only wish they had known.
I'll let you Think about what is the best that can happen,
After all we've all said those words before!
Before You Say those words again in a few months, Take a few minutes to look at this company, It's still in preconstruction and will be in prelaunch May 1st.  <--FREE Team Site  <--Company Site
Remember this is the time you wish you had known now what you will know then !
Can You Say I Knew, I took a Look Then and Saw The writing on the wall !
As My ol' Pappy always says " What is the worse that can happen"
Well if we all switch stores for a few months
 We will know  what others ONLY wished they had known !
Folks this is the real deal, Don't let this opportunity pass you by, We know what the worse can happen is. Lets find out what the very best that can happen is gonna be.
Thank You For Your Time
This super simple Home Business May Be: TO SIMPLE FOR YOU !
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