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Joe Downing

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Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/19/2007 10:49:52 AM
Hello Dave,

The first thing that I should say is "OOOPS!".  I'm probably one of these people you are referring too.  During the POTW elections starting a few weeks ago, I was asked to help increase the number of voters since I seconded a nomination.  Also, I happened to be a candidate for the very first time.

Thinking that I was doing a good thing and wanting to promote the person who I seconded and who I felt to be a much more deserving candidate for POTW than myself, I sent out a couple of thread notices to vote for "your favorite candidate".  I even stated in the threads to not vote for me, but to vote for a more deserving candidate or a best friend, etc.  I never sent any private messages out though.

Now, after you have brought this to our attention, I realize that what I did may have been interpreted as asking others to vote for me.  How embarrassing and probably well deserved.  Shame on me! 

I'll be honest with all of you, it has never bothered me to see someone campaign for themselves.  I simply enjoy the people and what they are doing that makes them so excited.  However, I believe that if a person is thoughtful enough to nominate and second a nomination, they should also promote the election for that person.  That doesn't seem to happen very often here.

In the most recently created BFA election, it was stated to be self nominations.  The courteous thing would have been for friends (the voters) of these forums to do some promoting.  But unfortunately, things don't always work out in a way to please everyone.  I believe that some of the members of the current election were simply trying to help get the new election noticed.
Members can easily get caught up in the whirlwind of excitement in this community.  I know that I have a time or two.

Dave, you always bring subjects to the table for good reasons and to better the community. 
This community is full of veteran to junior promoters.  There is a wide variety of what everyone promotes here:  businesses, products, ideas, methods, humor, elections, tools and opinions.  Some do it well while others do not.  Even those who do it well are not approved by everyone and not much can be done about that. 

In keeping this community a respected place to gather, I ask everyone to forgive those who have erred in your views and let the lessons be learned. 

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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/19/2007 1:51:08 PM
Hi Joe, Hey Buddy RELAX! NO shame on you & you have NOTHING to be embarrassed about. I got those from you and I never thought you were asking people to vote for you at all. And you should read what Kathleen said as she brought up some good points as well. Later!!! Neil
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Tanya V.

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Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/19/2007 1:53:51 PM

Hi Dave,

I agree with you, and am glad you brought this subject up.  I agree with Mary and Norm as well.

The email I get from Adland has increased to a point where I may need to turn off email, although, then I would miss great posts from you and some others.  There are just a few offenders of way too many emails.  It would be great if we had the option to turn email on and off for certain people instead of having to block them.

As far as voting goes, I too have lost interest.  I know the intentions are good, but it's always the same group of people, which is a shame.

Thanks for always bringing up such great topics for discussion.  :)

Dave Cottrell

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Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/19/2007 2:16:33 PM
Hi Kathleen, I am not opposed at all to people advertising the awards forums and urging people to get out an vote. I do that, myself. My problem is with all the messages telling me to vote for the sender (ie - tooting one's own horn.) Take, for example, Michael Dela Cruz's latest forum created for the members to choose April's best forum. The way all the campaigning has been going, it may now have NOTHING to do with which forum is the best and EVERYTHING to do with who hounds people the most to vote. Perhaps the reason only 160 people have so far taken the time to even bother voting has much to do with this fact. They feel that their vote will not really count towards honouring those who have put so much work into their forums every week. It's kind of like running a foot race where you shoot all the other runners, then proudly stand on the podium to accept the gold medal that you just "won." How good is that?? My challenge to the members of Adlandpro is this: remind all those on who are on you friends list to get out and vote. Never mind saying who's in the running; let them make their own decisions. Do this every week for all the awards, and this will make Adlandpro a MUCH better and stronger community, which is good for everyone, and yes, Katheen, better for business, too. God bless, Dave
John Partington

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Re: Bizarre Behavior on Adlandpro
4/19/2007 2:37:22 PM

Hi Dave,

This is for Tanya,

I have just spent the best part of 2 hours removing myself from forum requests so I can be invited again, if there is a member that sends that many continuous new forum threads then you just have to click on the speaker  underneath the members photo to stop all future forum notifications!

person's main photo
Best Wishes


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