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Thomas Richmond

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First Political Forum. " Politics Baby"
4/18/2007 5:59:43 PM

Hello , as you might know that i am an Indipendant in Politics for a number of reasons. This came to my attention today and thought i would share this with you. Your views are inportant to me, especially on this case. Thank you, and keep your views in a delicate roar please, this goes for Jerilyn and to William, Lol. Thank you.

Dear Thomas,

Federal Abortion Ban Upheld by Supreme Court

This decision rolls back key protections that have been guaranteed since the days of Roe v. Wade.

Now the fight moves to Congress.
Help us win!

Earlier this morning, Bush's appointees to the Supreme Court did exactly what he selected them to do...

By upholding the Federal Abortion Ban in its entirety, the Supreme Court has not only supported an abortion ban with no exception for a woman's health, it has given the green light to the anti-choice movement's plan to outlaw abortion entirely.

In her dissenting opinion, pro-choice Justice Ginsberg, who called the majority opinion "alarming", writes "...[T]he Act and the Court's defense of it cannot be understood as anything other than an effort to chip away at a right declared again and again by this Court."

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Re: First Political Forum. " Politics Baby"
4/18/2007 8:47:45 PM

Hello Thomas

    SO, I see you have managed to dig up an example of how the Bush Administration and the Bush Subversives strategically placed throughout the entire government, have managed to chip away at what has been established as " The will and the Rights of The People." While abortion is a very important topic to consider, I can assure you that this is not the most damaging impact Bush has had on The American Way Of Life. To even suggest that Bush is Pro Life is a mockery of the intellectual processes. This man is responsible for more deaths and more suffering than any man since Hitler. While he was governor of Texas, he boasted about his record of having put to death more people on death row in the prison system than any other state in the union. Texas continues to lead the nation in executions and there is much evidence that many who have died at the hands of the Texas Penal System did not necessarily die for crimes they committed.

   Weather one believes that abortion is right or wrong, clearly there are circumstances where it is the best alternative. In cases of rape, incest, a threat to either the life of the mother or the child. By threat to the life of the child I am referring to cases where severe physical deformity or acute mental incapacity exist.

   Based on what I have witnessed in recent years regarding the competence, honesty and moral convictions of our political leaders, I seriously doubt that the debate over abortion in the political arena is based on either ethics or morality. I see it more as a bargaining tool that is being offered in exchange for favoritism coming from the other direction.In the case of G.W. Bush, I see his support for this ban as a way of saying Thank You to the Religious Right for helping to put him in POWER. I am confident that if this government was truly concerned about the quality of life in America, there would be a lot less killing going on. A  lot less lying and a much softer assault on our rights as citizens and human beings.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
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May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Thomas Richmond

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Re: First Political Forum. " Politics Baby"
4/18/2007 9:05:35 PM

Thank you Bill for that great reply on Mr. Bush...or what ever you wanna call em' these days. I started out as a Demorcrat on my moms side at the age of 18 when i was able to Vote, been waiting for that day since i was 12 when i saw Jimmy Carter in office. So i voted democrat and was part of that party up intil i saw Bush Sr. in office, "Read my Lipps, No New Taxes" remember that one? well needless to say i have to say with a better perspective on my voting rights that i have turned from one sided views. I would like to see a change in office come next term, with both George w. and Arnold S. out of there. Both Liers.

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Donald Rich

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Re: First Political Forum. " Politics Baby"
4/18/2007 9:30:13 PM


Re: First Political Forum. " Politics Baby"
4/18/2007 9:48:27 PM

Hello Again Thomas

    It is not really a good idea anymore to even try to vote along party lines. The prize for being dishonest, greedy and self rightious is so great now that even the most devout Right Wingnut will swing left to get a vote. The same is true for the left swinging right. Arnold is a perfect example of this. He rode into office on Bush's coat tails when Bush's popularity rating was in the 70's. During the last election when Bush was below 40. Arnold and many other Righties went left. Then after they get elected they repolarize and pretend like they never lied about a thing. What a joke.

  On the bright side though, we no longer have to worry about voting for the right person. Bush has turned that responsibility over to the supreme court and Diebold. You don't have to worry about voting Bush out this next time. Unless he decides to change things, he cannot serve more than two terms and this is #2. Of course there will still be many public servants answering to King Bush for many years to come. Appointments to the Big Bench are for life and nobody even cares about the justice department anymore.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
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May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy