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Kathy Hamilton

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Try The Free Affiliate Program
4/18/2007 5:02:37 PM
Hello my friends,

Do you really read and research what your program really has to offer???here is a program that is free to join and it does have an affiliate program to join for free as well.
Everyone says they want to make money but they do not want to do anything. Please enlighten me, how does one make money from not working there program???
All you have to do is to be successful like I have done is I upgrade to get the full value of income on my programs then I advertise them and then you get others to do the same.
I do not understand why people are having a hard time understanding the process.
How can anyone not want to make real income.?
read on this program and tell me how after reading there comp plan the income you can make not make sence to you.
Is'nt it all about our financial well being???
shareing with others about great upgrade plans to get you extra income???

Please share with me>
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kyle Watters

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Re: Try The Free Affiliate Program
4/18/2007 6:33:56 PM

I tottally agree with Kathy. You really have to know the program you are going into. You need to know what products they offer and If they have an affilate program you may want to research further into how well thier products sell.

As you may of noticed in my ads and form I have very few products. That is because you dont just go out and sign up for every product there is. You need to know they work and hopfully you have tried them yourself as I did and know in your heart what a great product the copany has and the benifits it offers to yourself and your customers. Feel free to check out the wonderfull products in my form. My products make you money and help people at the same time. Kathy knows what she is talking about so I am going to check out what she is offering here and I think you should too. IF you like give me a shout also.



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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Try The Free Affiliate Program
4/18/2007 11:48:23 PM
Hello Kyle,
You are so right, I only really have 2 companies I focus on
My Easy Promoter and ITs Your Net.
I do however promote all the communities except one.

I advertise free sights so it will help get others exposure for themselves and others.

Kathy Hamilton/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Jason Lamure

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Re: Try The Free Affiliate Program
4/19/2007 7:20:11 AM
Hi Kathy and Kyle. You two have it figured out. Take a solid product,opportunity or service and promote that using the most effective means you can find. Use advertising that provides good ROI on your investment. I upgraded in the 3 programs I advertise in my sig. In fact with, I bought a full partnership at $499.00, as I felt the service was invaluable to any internet marketer. So far 4 partners who felt the same way have joined me. 4 times my $499.00 investment back right there people! That's not even figuring in the 10% of each new partner site's income I recieve each month. Only 21 patnerships left at $497. Then I raise the partner price....forever. I also have my own site, generating an excellent revenue with very little work on my part. That being said.....being a paid member or upgraded member will allow you to get full value from the product or services you market. When you know all the benefits and features of what you are promoting, you can market 100% more effectively than those who fail to do their homework. You can answer potential prospects questions with confidence. Confidence sells. Jason
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