I get my smallest amount of sign ups from TEs, However...these I have found to be responsive:
Has many special perks, great conversion:
Been a Member for Years, PPC Banners, Great Savings, Pay for Banner Click only!
Highly Active, Good Owner and runs "HEnry Hour" on Weekends...Spelled exactly like that and runs for 24 hours...doubles on everything.
That is all for me...I believe in List Building, Use a couple SafeList (Paid, Free goes nowhere), If interested in the 3 I use PM me for more details. Trying to keep FREE Info in Post!
There are a few others, but I have free memberships too and others MUST pay (I used to work there) ...I am offering 150,000 Free Cedits and I watch pages like this for offers and I have seen a few I will check out!
Foums are also good for Advertsing, I have a Free one that is really good I will add it and That's all folks!
I agree with Kathy...Be The Guru, I hope these help, contact me for others, as I said thee listed above are FREE! I enjoy helping others and if it is ok wioth, I would like to say I have many Tools like NVU, FrontPageXpress, Imaging Editors and many others that I will let you have for free to use, they are free...I have run comparison test on most and most are as good as the originls. Ok, for real, That's all Folks ;)
Laurie Brandt