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Geketa Holman

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Re: G-'d creative power part 3 Releasing your faith !
4/19/2007 10:18:18 AM

Hi Bea,

I am so glad you like the series.. all I can say is a big amen .. love makes the world go round !

BIG HUGS right back at ya!



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: G-'d creative power part 3 Releasing your faith !
4/25/2007 3:53:49 PM
Hello Geketa,

Thank you for sharing another great lesson. 

Job has been the topic for many to use as inspiration. 
It would be very hard to actually be able to empathize with him as his circumstances changed so drastically
and such devastation in such a short time.  Yet
through it all he still stayed positive in faith, when
many of us would be overwhelmed by circumstances
and our faith shaken for a short time or long time
whichever the measure of our personal walk.

Kind regards

Geketa Holman

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Re: G-'d creative power part 3 Releasing your faith !
4/25/2007 8:07:07 PM

HI Amanda,

Here is my own Job story .. in less than 3 months .. I lost a thriving construction business nothing we did caused this we were only a part of a bigger picture , 2 beautiful daughters to my ex husband, they saw dollar signs, .. my home we later got it back, but had to move anyway  and a very special friend to a sense less murder , too , brutal to talk about in a forum even today  .. I never once blamed G-d or even questioned him though all of this .. what would you call that ? G-d allows what he will allows .. we either accept it or deny it he still loves us no matter what  he is  love .. and the G-d of us all !! No one caused these events no one could stopped  them unless we had more information .. which we did not at the time they transpired. Bad things happen to good people ..




Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: G-'d creative power part 3 Releasing your faith !
4/25/2007 8:38:32 PM
Hello Geketa,

Thank you for sharing.
I have lived through my own Job story and it is still not resolved, hopefully soon one way or another that this
chapter can be put to rest.   I clung on tighter to the
Lord Jesus in all of these incidents because He was
all I had and whom I could trust.

However, you and I have a strong faith, yet there
are many others whom have had their faith tested
at their level of indurance and have given up and
blamed God for their circumstances.

Geketa Holman

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Re: G-'d creative power part 3 Releasing your faith !
4/26/2007 10:39:34 AM

Hi Amanda,

I so agree with you . We all have our own Job story. Some like you and me do stand strong as it is only our faith that carries us though these times of troubles.

It is Never G-d's fault that we go though such times those that give up and blame him and walk away are do not understand that during these times if they would lean on him only loose blessings they would have received if they only would learn to endure the storms. It all comes down to faith and trust.

There is an old saying you might have already heard" if G-d brings you to it, he will bring you though it" . I will pray you get resolve with your own circumstance and that you can close that book in your life and more on. Stand strong and have faith we know it is all in G-d's timing.

Blessings to you sister,


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one