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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The transpersonal world
4/17/2007 10:57:30 AM
Bonjour Venerina!

Welcome back.

This is a subject that I've been looking into and getting a feel of, for some time.

If we open ourselves up we can be attuned.

We then see the world in a totally different light.

My 'spiritual guides' and angels have helped me a lot in the last few years, as I have learned to channel  the universal energies and 'to open up', to ask for and welcome their help and guidance.

I've tried to put my feelings as simply as poss.  I hope you can see what I mean.

Best wishes,

Sarah P
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James Max

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Re: The transpersonal world
4/17/2007 7:43:19 PM
Hey, Veneria,
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.  Welcome back teacher!
You're metaphysical concepts are  deep - but clear, concise and informative in a way that anyone seeking answers can comprehend.  How refreshing! 
Thanks for sharing.
As for the Secret - that's Really No Secret (and as Arthur said was given a real shallow treatment of a more divine concept of life has perfect, complete and all-inclusive on the spiritual or transpersonal plane). But you can't knock such great promotion that got people thinking.
We don't create our spiritual reality (which has always existed) using the power of our mind - we only become aware of it's existence and the "old things will pass away" like the dawning on a new day!
max@work - caring, sharing and mentoring -  Life Is A Journey - Enjoy The Ride!
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Rose Enderud

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Re: The transpersonal world
4/17/2007 8:59:59 PM
Hello Venerina,
James is so right. We just need to become aware of our spiritual reality. My helpers and guides have been with me as long as I can remember. At time they have changed. I have always been able to call on them.
I was so fortunate, my mother understood these things and taught us to pay attention. I wish I had your ability to teach what I understand. We teach what we learn. My problem is these things are so second nature I don't know where to start with teaching.

The biggest barrier most people have is fear. Put your fear asside and let yourself be aware.
Re: The transpersonal world
4/17/2007 11:03:47 PM
Give me a break Venerina, woe is me..I'm just now mastering The Secret Law Of Attraction. Well I gotta tell you. Which do Ilove you more for, teaching me something new or hoping there might be something new for me to teach you..Ohh Yeah..Vennie....I majored in Human Relations so I do so understand where you are coming from...hmm where is that? Can you take me there..I'd rather be with you and bring an apple and more for you my sweet oh how so verry huggable find that red hot Valentine's Day message yet? Still sleepless in you still make house calls? Larry
Lawrence Johnson PicRedirect
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: The transpersonal world
4/17/2007 11:09:38 PM

Welcome back Venerina.

I'm glad to see you back and bringing this interesting topic here. I'm hoping that you were able to rest while you were away and find interesting things to do.

Although I hear term Transpersnoal world for the first time, the concept is something I'm pondering myself for a while.

I have read recently series of books by Jerry and Esther Hicks where Esther is able to communicate with the non-physical world and answer any questions one might have in the area of life (not future).

As everybody seems to be fascinated by the movie The Secret, I'm finding that it is missing certain valuable pieces of information which are very essential in order to accomplish one's calling or determine one's purpose in life. The movie concentrates itself a lot on success which we associate with money and power and doesn't stress too much concept of happiness.

In the end what we all want is to be happy. In order to be happy one doesn't need money or power. We just needs something we are passionate about.

The movie also tells us to be positive all the time and have our goal on our mind as much as possible. Although this is all helpful in accomplishing our goals, it is very difficult to implement. We are not able to have positive thoughts all the time. We need negative thoughts to know that we are on the wrong track.

I'm finding that ideas from Jerry's and Esther's books  are much more practical and explaining better reasons why we are not successful/happy even though we are thinking positive thoughts (or we think they are positive).

Here is couple of thoughts from above mentioned books which are summarizing low of attraction and its practical application.

1. Every thought attracts similar thoughts, similar events and people who think  in similar way. We always get what we think most of the time.

2. We need to concentrate on what we want as opposed to what we don't want.  
If we find that we have bad feelings (not thoughts) we need to focus ourselves what is we are thinking about and  think what we want instead what we don't want as bad feelings are results of our worries, fears and frustrations.
This way we will be positive most of the time, as soon as we focus on what we want as opposed to focusing on what we don't want.

e.g. Instead of saying "I don't want to be sick" it is as easy to say "I want to be healthy". Although both sentences mean the same, in the vibrational world where we are, the first statement relates to sickness whereas the second to health. In both cases we are going to get what we are thinking about.

In first we are going to get sickness in the second health. In vibrational world,  "I don't want to" doesn't exists. We always get what we think about.

3. You have to allow things to happen to you.

What this means is that you have to accept what happens to other people and accept/believe what you want for yourself.

You can't get rich by hating rich people and you can't get health by watching programs about being miserable. In order to receive what you want, you need to believe in it.
It is hard sometimes to believe to become millionaire when one is living on the street, but it is possible for someone who lives on the street to imagine to live in their own apartment. By making gradual improvements in your thoughts, you can gradually improve your situation.

The universe is abundant to the point that there is enough for everybody. In order to have, you don't need to take from anyone. The best example for this is your health.
e.g. try to feel worse so others can have better health. Make yourself sick and expect someone to get better because of this. You can prosper and at the same time you can add to the universe as opposed to take from it.

The underlying principle is that you have to Ask and it is given to you instantly. Most people ask but never believe that it can be given to them. So even if they get what they asked for they never claim it.  They claim what they don't want, because this is what they think and talk most of the time and belive in it.

E.g. It is like tuning into radio station. You can't expect to tune your radio to listen to 92 FM and be able to receive 97 FM.

If you say I don't want to be sick, you are not tuning into the health station. You are tuning into the "sick" station. You are listening to people who want to fix sick people. They don't want anyone to be healthy because nobody would need them after that. They just want you to get quickly better while their product works and then come again for more when you are out.  If you say I want to be healthy, you don't talk about being sick, you talk about being healthy and this is what you get.


Bogdan Fiedur


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