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Kathy Kanouse

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Re: URGENT Prayers For Myron Golden's son (4/16/2007)
4/18/2007 10:16:03 PM
Oh my I am so sorry to hear of Adams Loss. My prayers are with his family & friends.
Kathy K
Marion Tucker

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Adam Golden's Funeral
4/23/2007 12:59:40 PM
My Dear Adland Pro Friends,  

Here is the lastest e-mail from Myron regarding Adsm.
Perhaps some of you who live in PA can go to the funeral.
Please keep the family in your prayers.

Dear Marion,

As you know, my son was in a car accident a week
ago today. He passed away on Wednesday at the
Hershey Medical Center. I appreciate your prayers
and concern through this difficult time. The funeral
will be on Thursday morning at 11am at the
Christian Life Assembly in Camp Hill, PA

2645 Lisburn Rd
Camp Hill, PA 17011

(717) 737-6560

I will be preaching the funeral service for my son.
I will appreciate your prayers during this time.

I will be very difficult to reach this week as I have
many things to do in preparation for the funeral,
as well as many freinds and relatives comming in
from out of town.

God Bless!

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Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Adam Golden's Funeral
4/23/2007 1:10:33 PM

Sis Marion,

I'm sorry to learn of their loss ,And I Want to express My deepest sympathies. Not one of us Knows where our road Will lead us or where Our road ends. But in times of Sorrow, we receive Comfort from our family and friends.My deepest sympathies
To Myron and family.
May God Bless You  and comfort you in your time of grief. God Bless our prayers are with you  Lee

Judy Smith

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Re: URGENT Prayers For Myron Golden's son (4/16/2007)
4/23/2007 2:08:02 PM

Hi Marion,

My heart goes out to Myron and the rest of his family for their loss of Adam.  Loss of a child of any age has got to be one of the most difficult things to deal with as it just doesn't follow the natural order of things.   I am grateful that Adam is no longer suffering and will pray that he is indeed home with our Lord.  I will continue to pray as well for Myron and the entire family that that will receive healing from their loss.

God Bless You!


Re: URGENT Prayers For Myron Golden's son (4/16/2007)
4/23/2007 11:55:52 PM


I am a walking miracle through two traumatic brain injuries; know that this young man will be in my prayers and if in anyway I can be of encouragement, let me know.

Father God, You are worthy of all praise glory and honor.  I know that You hold in Your Hands this family during this time of sorrow.  Encourage and comfort each one, be with the doctors as they monitor Adam...Father You are the Mighty Your healing mercies in a way that You alone will receive the Glory.  In Jesus Name, I pray this request.  Amen.




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