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4/19/2007 4:53:06 AM
I really liked the way Mel Gibson depicted Christ in The Passion where Mary told him to wash his hands and he took the water she poured from the pitcher and slung it at her and laughed.

The bible says that the publicans thought he was an imbecile because he didn't wash his hands when he ate.

And I read in the bible where Jesus was washing Peter's feet and Peter said that he wanted him to wash him all over. And the time one of them, I think it was Peter again, jumped out of the boat to go to where He was cooking the fish after he had risen, and he was naked as a jaybird. I'm sure those fishermen were some comical characters at times. He had to have had a good sense of humor, and I bet it was a dry one. He probably just rolled his eyes at them.

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