Let me sum it up this way:
Their has been 5 post here and it looks like 3 for multiple streams and 2 for one stream. So from that you would say do multiple streams of income.
Having mutiple streams of income is good. BUT,
You should only have multiple streams of income AFTER YOU get one making you money. Agter you get one opp working well that it is making you 3 to 5 times your investment per month then you can move on to another and work it tell it does the same and so on if you chose.
If you try to promote more then 1 without making money from any of them you will fail in due time. Why do you think so many people fail at MLM? They are takin by all the hype and believe you can promote several opps that will make you money and they find out without WORK they doesn't happen.
So in short: PROMOTE ONE TELL IT MAKES YOU A DECENT INCOME AND THEN MOVE ON TO ANOTHER IF YOU CHOSE TO DO SO. Or you can be lieke me and just promote one because you ar just having to much fum with it and you are making money.
Jerky Direct: http://www.snackat.jerkydirect.com
I make 20X my investment from this one every month.
Your jerky buddy,
Mark Gibson