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Why we use Communities
4/12/2007 2:38:53 PM

Thank you Neil for inviting me to this forum. It is my desire to help others learn the importance of these communities and why we use them.

Online Communities do work. You only have to know how to use them. I will show you how here today for those that do not know.

When first joining an online community, the first thing you want to do is get all your URL's set up and working.

The second is to learn what that commuity has to offer. Example: here at ALP; We have a Buddy List to help newbies, we have great Advertising links to use, plus affiliated links to use for your web sites.

The Third is to start making as many friends as you can; here you also can promote what you are involved in and see what others are doing as well.

The Forth is start your forums and requests. Here you tell more about you, what you are promoting and why you think it is a good idea.

Now you are ready to turn this into your money machine:

All you have to do is advertise the community and tell others that you know about this community. Every time someone signs up under you, make money.

Now you got the idea of why we use communities and why they play an important role in our business.

Here are other communities to turn into your money machine:

Please contact me if you have any questions about how this works.

Best Wishes

Barbie Wise Skype: wisechoiceonline Yahoo: bwiseonline Here is a Great network team and support.
Neil Sperling

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Re: Why we use Communities
4/13/2007 9:17:15 AM


Thanks for your thread and insight - glad I asked you to participate in my forum.


Linda Harvey

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Re: Why we use Communities
4/13/2007 7:17:35 PM
Barbie, Thank you for the great write up for Busiess Communities and how to use them... I have found Adlandpro very useful for recruiting into Jerky Direct, my favorite business and other things that I do. And another one for us: Home Biz Space Cathy Hall invited us over:
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Why we use Communities
7/1/2007 9:14:04 AM
Hello Barbie, Neil, Linda

You have chosen a nice subject to post in Neils forum. Normally I read only the "intruders'" posts and leave. In this case you did right posting this topic in this forum and that I do not classify as an intruders' post. The infomation is ON-TOPIC and close to the ideals Neil sets for his forum.

There is very good information and you made a well written, easy to understand article. Thank you for sharing your ideas. I fully agree with you. Keep up the good writing.

Happy Sunday

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Neil Sperling

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Re: Why we use Communities
7/1/2007 1:01:33 PM


Thanks fro dropping by and adding your coimments. I had asked Barbie to come and post in my thread "where can you market yourself online" and she started a new thread... I LOVED what she wrote so allowed the thread to stay as is.

She has made a GREAT contribution here to my business tips forum.



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