Hi there, I am Robert from Cincinnati Ohio USA
I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Management
I have been an entrepreneur since the age of 11
I started my own business selling candy at school in junior high did that for 2 1/2 years grades 6th thur 8th grade this was in the early 90's and made about $50 a week doing it.
Trust me I have alot of baseball cards for this reason alone
I took marketing in high school thur a program called DECA
To find out more about this program visit there website http://www.deca.org
I started my first MLM Program when I was the ripe age of 19 and was successful from the beginning I made it the managers level which was a personnal volume of 5,000 in sales
I did the mlm for about a 1 1/2 then ended up quiting and went to college
After College I started back into internet marketering and ran a site about poker for almost 3 years called http://www.poker-worldwide.com I have shut it down to new laws affecting USA players about gambling
But I was A top affilate for alot of different poker rooms
What I do Now
I Devoted my life and work to helping others to have and share in success.
Since 2005 I have become well known as a top Social Networker and top Relationship Marketer having built many successful ventures and helping my downlines to do the same.
Am here to help you with your personal goals and dreams.
I help you help yourself
Contact me thur skype robertphillips71
Robert Phillips
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