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The Drummerboy

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Re: Confessions of an Perfectionist- by Tim Archer
4/13/2007 12:29:24 PM
Hey Thomas!  :-)

Encouragement and support is always there my friend.  That is something anyone can always expect from me.......ESPECIALLY if they are having a bad day!  :-)

Our heavenly father is ALWAYS there for matter what.  Remember the footprints?  If we are to walk the way Jesus walked......why should we be any other way?

My sentiments are simply to encourage people to wake up each and every morning....... and to EXPECT a great day! 

"This is the day the Lord hath made.......REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!"
Psa 118:24

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Sue Lester

148 Posts
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Re: Confessions of an Perfectionist- by Tim Archer
4/13/2007 2:28:46 PM
Hi Thomas
I hope you don't mind me 'crashing' your forum, but I find the subject irresistable - last weekend I had my mother in law to stay and I had made up my mind to try to be like Jesus and act with care, love and thoughtfulness. Usually she irratates the hell out of me (sorry lord) but you know what?  Keeping Jesus in my heart and mind I found that her visit was unlike her others - I felt we reached a new level of understanding and using this as an example I intend to apply the principle to as many people as I can.  What I found amazing was that it wasn't difficult in the least.
Last weekend my daughter was baptised on Easter Eve exactly one year on from my own baptism.  I think Easter will always be especially special to us from now on.
Blessings to you our prayer warrior, we certainly need more!

Sue xx
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Confessions of an Perfectionist- by Tim Archer
4/13/2007 2:46:52 PM

Thank you for sharing with me abour life and how you applyed Jesus' principles to your life. I am so happy for you and your daughter congratulations on you showing good faith in being Baptized for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, how amazing it is to have all those worldly ways just lifted from you as if a heavy waight was actually upon you and pressing you down with each day that passes. I too was Baptized 8 years ago on Easter Sunday, i was 2nd one to do so on that day, special to me also was that a week before i just turned 33 years of age. Sue feel free to crash in on me at anytime Lol. I appretiate your heart. Keep the Faith. Thank you and God_bless. Hugs!

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Re: Confessions of an Perfectionist- by Tim Archer
4/19/2007 7:13:38 PM

Dearest Thomas,

To expect perfection of yourself is self-defeating. God did not design us to be perfect, as humans, we are flawed by nature. Perfection is God's job.

It is okay to strive for excellence. Not perfection. I know I'm not perfect, and neither is anybody else. So why get mad at yourself for not being perfect? It will just bring you down. Accept that you are not perfect, but say thank you to God for making you who you, just how you are.

I personally think that perfect people are pretty boring ;)

Please don't be too hard on yourself you deserve peace within yourself.

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Confessions of an Perfectionist- by Tim Archer
4/19/2007 7:23:13 PM

Thank you and it is well noted.  Thanks to God.

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