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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Hello to All
4/9/2007 6:18:15 PM
Hi Cheri, It's good to hear from you! I can certainly understand and identify with the busy part! (and the happy part!!) There's a marriage coming up in our family, too, but it's probably much easier for us, as it is our son who is getting married. He's getting married June 1 in Sequim, WA. to a very nice young lady who already seems like one of our own. Have a wonderful time preparing. Our kids grow up too fast. God bless, Dave
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Hello to All
4/13/2007 8:41:58 PM

Hi Cheri,

  It is sooo good to see you again!!!

Sounds like you have a great deal on you mind right now, what with the wedding and all.

Hope all is going well for you and yours and hope to see you back on a regular basis real soon.

Your Good friend


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Winston Scoville

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Re: Hello to All
4/20/2007 6:02:36 PM
Hi Cheri! Great to see that you are still kicking. Hope all is going well. I see you are as busy as ever. That's a good thing.....right? LOL Winston :-)