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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Part 3 - Understanding The Joe Vitale
4/5/2007 11:51:45 PM
A Dynamic New Twist on the
Power of Positive Thinking
(part 3)

By Dr. Joe Vitale

Step 3:  Clear All Negative or Limiting Beliefs!

It's crucial to rid ourselves of any negative beliefs we have about ourselves.  Common examples include variations of "I'm not good enough"....."If it hasn't happened yet, it never will."......."Somebody (or something) will always stand in the way of my success".....and "If I get my hopes ip, I'll get hurt."

Example:  If your weight-loss attempts always fail......the reason could be a negative self-belief.  You might believe that since your parents were over-weight, you're destined to be over-weight too....or that the failure of your earlier weight-loss attempts is proof that you're incapable of sticking to a diet.  You might believe that looking better will change who you are....damage your relationship with your friends......or inspire new romantic relationships that will end your heartache.

Once you find a negative belief, confront it!  Clear it from your mind.....and replace it with a positive thought.  One based on the idea that you are capable and worthy of achieving your goal.

Step 4:  Feel what it would be like to have what you want.

Just imagine that you already have what you want.  You are a sales person and your goal is to make $200,000  in sales commissions this year.  Think about how you would feel if you achieved that.  Pretend you are a movie director, and write a script for what you want to experience.  Really get into to it as you write it!  FEEL IT!  SENSE IT!

Instead of writing, "I want customers to call me with their big order,"  write:  "A brand-new customer just caled and ordered $100,000 from me.  I feel fantastic!  The call came a few minutes ago.  I'm still smiling about it.  The customer was so pleased."

Step 5:  Let go as you ACT on your intuitive impulses and allow the results to manifest.

Once you start thinking "I'm going to be a millionaire," than ideas, contacts, and opportunities capable of making you a million dollars will be pulled toward you.  you'll notice a societal need that you could fill by starting a company.....or see the perfect way to promote the skills or ideas you already have......or realize that the person you just met could help put your career on the fast track.

Once you start thinking, "My spouse (or boss) will treat me wonderfully," you'll begin to see ways to give these people what they want, they will start to treat you wonderfully!  ********

Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of more than
20 books, including: The Attractor Factor: 
5 Easy Steps For Wealth (or anything else)
from the inside out (Wiley).

You can subscribe to his FREE E-letter @

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!


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