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Eileen H

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Re: Have You been Summonds for Jury Duty or Scammed?
4/5/2007 2:30:18 PM

HI Bev,

Yes it is a shame that someone would take advantage of the elderly or even anyone who is unexpecting these types of scams.

I am so glad that your Mom had an angel with her at the time of the call!

Take care and stay safe!


Eileen H

986 Posts
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Re: Have You been Summonds for Jury Duty or Scammed?
4/5/2007 2:33:27 PM

Hi Deb,

How have you been?

Yes! I use to have to worry about my Mom,Now I worry about my Mother in law!

Happy Easter to You too, and That was a cute Icon :)


Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Have You been Summonds for Jury Duty or Scammed?
4/5/2007 7:06:39 PM
Hi, Thanks for posting this and for inviting me. I got a phone call a week or so ago about some guy wanting me to contribute to some police group. Since I know the police and fire do NOT call people, I knew it was a scam. Had I been thinking, I would have played along, getting all the information I could so I could turn them in. MANY years ago, I fell for something like it and they had a guy come and pick up a check. So, IF it happens again, (and IF I am on the ball) I will see if I can set it up so the police will be waiting for them. Please, Take Care! Neil
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Eileen H

986 Posts
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Re: Have You been Summonds for Jury Duty or Scammed?
4/6/2007 8:51:04 AM

Hi Neil,

Thanks for stopping in :)

I have to tell you, I got a phone call from the Sheriff's Dept. also. They wanted a contribution to get new vests and equiptment they needed. I told them I would contribute, they gave me a choice of how much I could contribute. Three days later I recieved my contribution paper to send in the money and a sheriffs support sticker. It really was from them! Although, they don't ask for any personal information except your address, and they do not take Credit information over the phone, they always mail you a contribution slip.

Thanks for stopping in and have a Great Day!

Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: Have You been Summonds for Jury Duty or Scammed?
4/6/2007 7:42:03 PM
Hi Eileen, Are you SURE you were NOT scammed? Were they on the TV or in your local newspapers asking people for contributions? Or, thanking people for them? Unless they were, I would be calling them and asking if they a phoned people asking for help. You may have been conned and just do not know it. Neil
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