Hello Friends & Visitors,
The Energized Marketeers is a TEAM of dedicated individuals who are working for the good of all who are interested in working at home to earn a substantial income without going broke in the process.
We chose Gardening, Cooking, Water and Shopping programs because they are basic to everyday living.
We believe it is everybody's right to live the lifestyle of their dreams
See the 50-30-10-10 Formula for income spending, giving and saving. You will find the Formula in the Back 2 Basics thread of the "Making A Difference" Forum.
Our TEAM is based on Business and Friendship:
Helping One Another make Money while having some FUN in the process.
To The Power Of 3 and Success For All
Joe, Terry and The Energized Marketeers Team
Energize yourself today ... The ENERGIZED MARKETEERS are All For One and One For All
About Our Programs:
Back 2 Basics Step 1: The Garden Club is a program where you can learn about gardening. You earn an income when others join the Club whether you personally sponsor them or not. You get paid on everyone in your downline.
Back 2 Basics Step 2: The Cooking Club is the sister program to the Garden Club and works the same way. Here you will have the opportunity to share recipe ideas. Anybody have a good Jerky recipe they want to share?!!!
Xooma Worldwide ... Joe Downing is the expert here! His forums contain a whole wealth of information.
Xooma Worldwide has innovated a method of taking regular water (bottled or otherwise) and transforming it into a powerful health drink you will never want to be without! Hydrate, mineralize & revitalize your body with Xtreme X2O.
Sadly, most people are ACIDIC. Many practically live on acidic foods and beverages. This makes them more susceptable to illness and disease. One solution to combat excess acidity is to sip on Xtreme X2O throughout the day. It has a 9.9 alkaline reading on the pH chart. Now THAT'S Healthy!

Our Energized Marketeers TEAMS:
Garden Club:
Judy Smith ( )
Joe Downing ( )
Annie Marion ( )
Cookin' Club:
Judy Smith ( )
Xooma Worldwide:
Joe Downing ( )
Annie Marion ( )
Judy Smith ( )
Amanda Martin-Shaver ( )
Linda Harvey ( )
My Power Mall:
My Power Mall is about making a difference in the lives of people around the world, but most importantly to the lives of Special Needs Children.
MPM is TOTALLY FREE to join. It has more than 1,000 stores for your shopping convenience.
6% of Corporate profits goes to support a Special Needs Child.
Join our Team today and begin making a difference of your own.
Terry Gorley mailto:inetexec@telus.net?subject=MarketeersMPM
Judy Smith ( )
Marty Bromberg ( )
Nguyen Van Thanh
Jelena Milinkovic
Shelley Mucha ( )
Please see the One Child At A Time thread here for a more up to date list of members and URLs ... THANK YOU!
If you wish to join specifically with any of our TEAM members please ask them for their URL otherwise we will place new members under those who need the most help.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has!" - Margaret Mead