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Bogdan Fiedur

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The tragedy of life is...
7/6/2005 2:33:55 PM
"The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives." Albert Einstein
Re: The tragedy of life is...
7/6/2005 3:28:58 PM
When a man retires or loses a cherished loved one, how often to you hear that shortly afterwards he has divorced his wife, turned to alcohol and other drugs or just passed away. He has lost his purpose and his identity and his life has no longer any meaning. We all need a reason and purpose to live, we just have to find it.
Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: The tragedy of life is...
7/6/2005 3:33:01 PM
Hello Bogdan, Goodmorning and thankyou for inviting me.Albert Einstein,wow what an intelligent man.An awesome person with a large brain,in my 47 years I see the one link (weak) that dies off in us is from the time we actually grow up and become adults. I was 31 when I noticed that I was not going to go backwards anymore as the urge to be stupid and not function as a responsible person.I had finally grown up. Albert Einstein was only held back owing to his time in our pioneer years.As I am now a very well behaved man I see and felt that bit of my innocence was gone.I was going to be held accountable so I realised that something had died away,my teenager ego and silly minded ideas were long gone. Have a Super Day regards jeffrey OBrien
Greer Trumble

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Re: The tragedy of life is...
7/6/2005 3:40:38 PM
For me, tragedy, just another name adversity, is one of the things the help define what we turn out to be in life.
Regards, Greer Trumble _____________ Can you give away an auto responder account?
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Re: The tragedy of life is...
7/6/2005 3:49:45 PM
Hello Again Bogdan! Albert Einstein is one of my favorite historical figures. I love Physics and all the other Sciences. To me what Einstein is talking about here is a broken spirit. I would like to add some comments to this but I really got to go for now. Take care everyone! JOHN