Hello Mike and friends!
I was going to nominate one of the best forums here (not mine) that haven't been mentioned yet, but I took a big laugher when I read all the posts and all self-assertions, self-preservations.
A Greek quote says "the prest eulogizes his own beard first".
Well what the other forum ownes do I will do.
Only my Philoxenia topics had more than 5000 visit the last 5 days, but I will give you one topic that is realted to 200 treads and gives smiles to more than 5000 people. Name's Origin gives more than 500 linked names in one topic.
http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/12526/ShowForum.aspx A Forum to make our friends happier more social and to give all my friends fact on names, legends, tales, and myths.
NAMES DEFINITION, ETYMOLOGY AND ORIGIN a dedication to Bogdan Fiedur and to my AdLandPro friends
Special thanks to Caroline Schneider For encouraging me to start this forum

Bogdan Fiedur The CEO and Owner of AdLAndpro
A sofisticated man thanks to whom we have this great Community
Hello Bogdan,
Thank you for giving me and all our friends such a nice opportunity to communicate with thousands of people.
is taking a big part of my free time and I love it. Thanks to you and
AdLAndPro I got many international real good friends.
Smile and be happy Your Good Friend Georgios
Hello Georgios,
you for being here and bringing quality, wisdom, knowledge and
friendship to many of our members. I feel honored by your feedback and
your presence here.
Georgios Paraskevopoulos
A servant spreading knowledge, smiles and happiness.
"KNOW THYSELF" Be always the best Excell among the others | A given name
is a name which specifies and differentiates between members of a group
of individuals, especially a family, all of whose members usually share
the same family name. A given name is a name given to a person,
as opposed to an inherited one – such as a family name. So, strictly
speaking, the term excludes names acquired by other means – such as
changing ones name. This article does not generally assume the strict
"The name was given to me, my friends I choose" [Georgios]
In much of the world, the given name comes before the family name, and so is known as a forename or first name. But in East Asia (Japan,
China, Korea, Vietnam), and also in Hungary, the given names
traditionally come after the family name. In those cases, even part of
the given name may be shared among all members of a given generation in
a family and the family's extensions, to differentiate those
generations from other generations.
I have a list of 5000 Greek and European names and several thousands
variations of short and pet names. All this names are unsorted in an
Excel sheet. It can take up to two-three hours to find all
combinations. I am going to update the queue and try hold it strict.
In my country names are given to us normally through a sacred
ceremony the BAPTISM SACRAMENT. It is a ceremony held for thousands of
Post wanted names and I will try to give you all the information I have on your name.
Given names in queue: (Updated 2006.03.27) Zahida
(Zahide), Clairmont (Clermont Clements), Arian, Camille, Helga,
Edward, Esther, Peter, Magdalena, Ashley, Garold, Phillip, Ruth,
Caron, Nathan, Calvin, Amanda, Zita, Simmone, Troy, Clay, Sara, Pamela,
Tracey, Muriel, Artemis, Riley, Roxanne, Gus, Wilson, Bruce, "Styles
Temple" - 'Stairway to Heaven', Geketa, Jeketa, Roscoe, Clarisse,
Khadar, Ramona, Sarah, Phyllis, Eden, Ellis, Amber, Leah, Megan, Frank,
Francisco, Regina, Velma, Taiata, Grace, Pamela, Herbert, Gloria, Ava,
Austin, Gabriel, Cassandra, Mckayla, Serah, Isaiah, Neil, Tamara,
Travis, Olubukola, Jurate, Karja, Angelique, Keith, Avis, Allene,
Allan, Faye, Lynne, Josephine, Joseph, Mariea, Theron, Simon.
Surnames names in queue: (Updated 2007.03.27) Weston, Gani, Collmar, Hartley, Lutes, McKinley, Olowoye, Borden-Aycock
Difficult names or family names (not possible to define OR?) Ebika (Ebi, Ibika, Ibi), Pelikanos, O'Neill, Daly, Walling, Triem (Vietnamese name).
NAMES already defined (updated everytime a new name is defined)
NAMES already defined
(updated everytime a new name is defined)
A |
Achilles, Adela, Adelaide, Adelais, Ajax, Alexander, Alexandru, Alexis, Alfred, Alice, Allyson, Anacletus, Andreas, Andrew, Anna, Annamaria, Anne, Annemarie, Annelie, Aphrodite, April, Arachne, Areta, Aretha, Aristea, Arild, Arleen, Arlie, Arnold, Arthur, Artur, Augustus Avery
Balder, Baldur, Barb, Barbara, Bea, Beatrice, Belinda, Belvin, Berenice, Beverly, Bob (Robert), Bogdan, Brian, Bryan |
C |
Carl, Carlos, Caren, Caroline, Carrie, Catherine, Cecilia, Celinda, Charles, Cheri, Cherice, Cherilyn, Cheryl, Chloe, Chloris, Chris, Cristal, Christian, Christina, Christine, Christer, Christofer, Chystal, Claus, Cleta
D |
Dafni, Daphne, Damon, Damian, Damocles, Darren, Darrell, Dave, David,Dawn, Deborah, Dee, Deirdre, Demeter, Demetrius, Denis, Devin, Diana, Dimitra, Dionysos, Don, Dona, Donald, Donna, Dong |
E |
Eduard, Edward, Elaine Elda, Eleanore, Eleonor, Ellen, Elisabet, Elisabeth, Elizabeth, Emmanuel, Emmanuelle, Eureka, Euridice, Eva, Eve, Evridiki |
F |
Felicia, Felicitas, Felix, Flora, Florence, Floyd
G |
Geneva, Georg, George, Georgios, Gerald, Geraldine, Gerhard, Greta, Grover, Guenever, Gwen, Gwendolen, Gwenhwyfar
H |
Hector, Heidi, Helen, Helena, Hilda, Hilde
I |
Ian, Iason, Irma, Isabel, Iskander
J |
Jack, Jacob, Jacqueline, James, Jane, Jason, Jeannie, Jesus, Jewel, Jenny(Gwenhwyfar), Jenny(Jane), Jerilyn, Jim, Joachim, Joe, John, Johnny, Josue Judas, Judith, Julia, Juliana, Julius, Juliette |
K |
L |
LaNell, Larry, Laura, Laurel, Laurence, Leander, Leanne, Lee, Lennart, Leon, Leonard, Leonid, Leonti, Linda, Lisa, Lisbeth, Liz, Liza, Lloyd, Lorraine, Loyd, Louis, Lucia, Lucius, Lucifer, Ludwig, Luella, Luis, Lynn, Lynda, Lyndalee. |
M |
Maia, Mairead, Maja, Malcolm, Manuel, Margaret, Maria, Marc, Marcus, Marianne, Marilyn, Mary, May, Maya, Megan, Melania, Melanthe, Melissa, Michael, Mikael, Mike, Mohamed, Muhammd, Myrna
N |
Nan, Nancy, Nell, Nelly, Nicholas, Nick, Nicolaus, Nicusor, Nike, Niketa, Niki, Nirmala
O |
Orfeas, Orfevs, Orpheus |
P |
Q |
R |
Reba, Rebecca, Rhoda, Rita, Robert, Robin, Robyn, Ron (Ronald), Ron (Veronica), Ron, Rosa, Rose, Rosalinda, Rosamunda, Rosemarie, Rosanne
S |
Sam, Samantha, Samuel, Sarka, Serge, Sergey, Sergius, Shae, Shannon_Bolin, Sharon, Shea, Sheldon, Sherlock, Sherman, Sheryl, Shirley, Sherwood, Sissel, Sonia, Sophia, Stanislav, Stanley, Stefan, Stephane, Stephen, Stephone, Steve, Stewart, Stuart, Susan, Susanna, Suzy, Sydney |
T |
| U |
| V
| Vaclav, Venera,
Vera, Verity, Veronica, Vickie, Vicky,
Victor, Victoria | W | William
| X
| Y
| Yanna
| Z
| *