Hi Mike & Sharon,
Thanks once again for yet another Inspiring Story. I also often wish I could manage to complete all of my tasks without the many interuptions and obstacles in my way, before I can finish.
However, I am reminded of the story of the well- intentioned young man, who after watching a Butterfly struggle for hours to free its body through the small opening in the cocoon, was worried that it would never free itself. Wishing to help the Butterfly, the young man took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bits of the cocoon, so that the Butterfly emerged quite easily.
Unfortunately, without the struggle, the needed blood was not forced from its body down into its wings and therefore the wings never fully filled out. In fact, the Butterfly spent the rest of its Life crawling around with a bloated body and shriveled wings, and was never able to fly.
Sometimes struggles are what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through life without any obstacles, we would never be as strong as what we could have been, and we never could Fly.
Here's something I hope you enjoy: http://www.llerrah.com/dreams.htm
Have A Blessed Easter,