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Geketa Holman

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G-d's Creative Power Part 2
4/1/2007 3:43:32 PM
In our last study we covered the power of words and how they have  power to create .  We learned that we are to imitate G-d just as Jesus Christ did and he left us with his own permission to do the works he did and even greater works. What should we be doing? well, I don't know about you , but I want to be doing the works of Jesus.
G-d's Creative power part 2
Now let's continue with a few more scripture verses that you might not have even given any thought to . In Genesis  1:3 "And G-d said, Let there be light and there was light." 
 This verse seems fairly simple we see "G-d SAID "let there be light . Those words created the very same light we have today.That same light has gone on though galaxies and galaxies and to this day has not stopped  creating light.. Stop and think about this for second..  We know that  galaxies are being formed in such a vast amount they are discovering new ones all the time. We have no idea how long ago this was said by G-d .. if you believe in an old earth than millions of years or a fairly new one thousands of years ; nevertheless the same words spoken in Genesis are still moving  forward and creating light . The very voice of G-d calls creation into existence . Pretty cool I thought. So if we are to imitate  G-d as his kids than our words mixed with some faith should and do contain the same results. 
Now let's  move on and look at what G-d says about words and our mouth. We are told to guard our  speech in the book of James the entire  3rd chapter is about the tongue  when you have time go read it . The essence of the chapter is dealing with how we bless and cruse with our speech and also that if we can learn to curb the tongue we are perfect and also able to control the rest of our body for times sake I will let you go read this for yourselves.James chapter 3
Ephesians 4:29 says, Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that is may minister grace unto the hearers.  The word corrupt here in the Greek is sapros and it means bad, putrid or rotten. This is referring to what we say not just dirty jokes, but the negative junk we say that creates the life we are living right now, because of the past words we have said .Think about that for a second! What ever is going on in your life this very moment is a results of what you have already said.
The complaining, gossip, anything that is negative. "Can't" is a really hard one for some to overcome. I can't do this or that , I can't blah blah etc... but see "the word" says we can.
Philpians 4 :13 says , I can do all things though Christ which strengenth me.
He Paul lie ? No, I do not think he did. I believe by now you are starting to understand the tongue is an small part of us, but has the biggest impact on the whole body and life of a person.
Now let's move on to the importance of  binding and loosing and see what it has to do with all of this. Matthew 16:19  Jesus said, I give you the keys of the kingdom, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. " 
Psalm 119:89 tells us, "For ever O L-rd , thy word is settled in heaven." What G-d said in his word is already established. Not  in the further nor was it for the old testament believers only... BUT TODAY for each believer that wants to grasp it and use it. It is settled already we don't have to wait for it. G-d will not alter what he has already said. " My covenant will I not break,nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips." light is still moving forward in space is it not ? The power of binding and loosing in on earth folks not in heaven. We bind of loose with the words of our own lips just as G-d did when he said,"let there be  light."
Romans 10:17 says," so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of G-d" You see your faith can grow very quickly when you hear your own voice speaking,quoting and saying the things G-d said. Hearing your own voice not someone else's .
This might sound foreign to some of you ,but let me tell you it works!! We receive G-d word more readily down into our spirit (the heart ) when we are the one doing the speaking.  Here is how G-d's creative power actually works when we apply it .
The word gets down into the heart of a person it is than formed on the tongue and released out o f the mouth in word form.
 We have no need to  pray long pleaded prayers for hours and days and weeks  to ask G-d for something, simply ask him in faith and say it out loud. But, you have to believe that what you have prayed for is already yours it is only that it has not materialized yet. Abraham did this when G-d changed his name from Abram to Abraham.
The name Abraham means father of many nations. He was childless at the time. But, he believed that what G-d had promised would come to pass. It did when Sarah was around 100 years old she delivered the son G-d has promised when he changed their names all those many years before.
Hebrews explains faith very simply,  Hebrews 11: 1 says," Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." When we pray should learn to pray as if we already had what we are praying for, act like you got it already in other words.
Since we  touched on faith. I would like to show you how  faith and believing go hand in hand . they are almost interchangeable.
 In romans 10 9-10 we read and by the way this is the way of salvation if you want to get someone saved. Romans 10:9-10 That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the l-rd Jesus and believe in thine heart that G-d hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness;and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
 Ok, I am going to break this down just a bit here .. who did the confessing when you got saved ? you did of coarse . who's mouth was used .. yours , who's heart did the believing ,, yours ..
ok.. now lets look at the word believe in the Greek in this verse it is the word pisteuo  and in English it means (adhere to, trust, rely on) the word heart here is the Greek word kardia and that is the root word for the Greek kardiognotes and that means heart or knowing as used in acts, 1;24 where Paul says (para phased for time sake) L-rd which knowth the hearts of all men. That inside knowing you have that you just know ,that you know, that you know !.. it is also referred to as the spirit of man. We have to carry his word out by speaking it out of our own mouths. His word is not void of power we are void of speech. we have all learned to walk by sight not faith . we have lost our rightful inheritance as believer by our own corrupt communication of fear and unbelief. We are told to be not conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds . that is romans 12:2 How can we renew our minds if we do not read the word or speak it ? Personally I do not believe we can. 
We each need to learn to confess victory in face of  apparent defeat. Confess abundance in the face of apparent lack. I know this works I have personally done this many times.  My husband for many years was a contractor many times it looked as if he was going to be out of work and we would have no money for food and the things we needed to live to survive.. NOT once did we ever go hungry nor do without anything we needed.
 Remember Mark 11: 23 were Jesus says to say to this mountain Be thou removed. we as believers need to learn to actually open our MOUTH and tell the mountains in our lives to go away and you know what they will. Every single time. BUt we each have to do the speaking. We have to take our eyes off what we see in the psychical realm and but the law of creative power of G-d words on our lips and start speaking his words instead of what we see. This is not something new. I am not a name it and claim it  teacher either .. do not get the wrong idea .
Before closing I want to explain one more thing about faith or believing .. Jesus also said if we have faith the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains .. I am sure you have all heard this before . he was referring the one of the smallest seeds in the world.. not the yellow one we see, but the one found in the middle east this seed is so tiny it looks like a grain of black pepper yet when planted and it grows the mustard it becomes HUGH in size .. faith is like this if you will spend time watering it with G-d's word .. now the word believe.. that word is a verb and what do verbs do they take action do they not ? so to believe is to take action on that which one believes. start setting the spiritual law of creative power in action by learning a few verses and begin to speak them and watch and see your circumstances begin to change.
 So until next time .
Stay blessed I will teach how to release your faith in your words by using "HIS" words !
Blessings always , I love you all dearly ,
Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: God's Creative Power Part 2
4/1/2007 5:38:33 PM
Hello Geketa,

Thank you for taking the time to write this.  You have
a wonderful gift been given you also that is backed by scripture and your own inspired words to make sense
of the scriptures.

I have one question though - Why do you omit o when
you type God, the Lord? I do not understand why some
people do this.

I will look forward to interaction from other members of Adland in here.

Kind regards

Kathy Kanouse

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Re: G-d's Creative Power Part 2
4/1/2007 6:19:39 PM
I agree with Amanda 1000%. You have a very special & I thank you for taking the time to share God's Word with us. That means alot to me & I'm sure it does to others as well.
I also was wondering the same question she inquired about with the word God & Lord. It will be very interesting to hear your response.
Until Next time Thanks
God Bless YOU
Kathy K
Re: G-d's Creative Power Part 2
4/1/2007 6:53:02 PM

As he has said in Isaiah 55:11
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

You can, if you think you can. You are somebody, cause God don't make no junk!
Geketa Holman

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Re: God's Creative Power Part 2
4/1/2007 7:06:06 PM

Hi Amanda & Kathy,

Bless you both! Let me answer you both here at once if you please?

The habit of leaving the o out of G-d and l-rd has a  two fold meaning.. in the Jewish faith the first reason is to show respect as HE IS the great I am and the second is that his name cannot be erased. His Name is holy and as you both probably already know that Name had 72 letters and was only said once a year and that was only uttered from the High priest .. I could do an entire teaching here, but I shall save that for another time lol

Glad you both got blessed and please come back soon as this builds on the next part of the series ..

May G-d's best and brightest be yours always,



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one