we have as of this week,collaborative tools such as contact management, autoresponder, VOIP, IM, video conferencing, call center to call your leads, SMS text messaging to stay in touch with your team, call me now feature so prospect can call you immediately and find you, ojeez word document, ojeez powerpoint, ojeez excel sheets where you can share with another and make changes together, calender that collaborates so it can read and make sure a family is better organized and the list goes on. Thank you for your help Adland Family. I personally want you to know that i dont intend to leave you guys in the dark of of what Ojeez is doing! We have just a little over 3 weeks to go before our final opening. Please keep your newsletters that have started. Your patients is grately appretiated. Thank you... Sincerley Thomas Richmond. http://ojeez.com/tmobil8 remember its free to join and get a % of our community!! more on the way.....