Hi Neil,
I use forums to learn about things I'm not familiar with and to share something of my personality as well. Some people use their forums to advertise their programs or businesses, which is fine because then I can see what's out there and look new stuff over at my leisure. Others post about things having nothing to do with business, and those posts are interesting because I end up laughing or thinking or seeing a beautiful pic or reading some good poetry.
Another reason I like forums is that they hone my own writing and communication skills. For me it's a whole lot easier to have a verbal conversation with someone because the body language and the voice inflections add so much meaning to the words. So by writing I have to be conscious of the fact that my conversation comes out like flat monotones (lol) and so the words must be more descriptive.
I'm like Mary in thinking that sometimes it seems like everybody is talking and no one is listening or answering blatantly asked questions in the forums (sigh)...