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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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More FRIENDS FORUM LINKS....Promotion isn`t just for business anymore!!
3/28/2007 1:56:58 PM

If you'd like your forum link added here, contact me with the link and I'll add it to tomorrow's list.  You will reciprocate, of course, by advertising one of my forums to your friends!

BOB DYLAN is today's feature at Whammy:

Here's the link to the main WHAMMY forum in case you missed anything:

Visit Joe Downing's forum, including the threads "Are you ready for April Fool's Day?" and "Here within, thee shall surely laugh":

Here's Sue Marshall's "Take a Break" forum, great jokes and an ongoing fun game thread called "The Person Below Me":

The Georgios forum, including the 9 very high-traffic Philoxenia threads, and Georgios' daily report of friends...invite him to your friends list if you haven't yet!  Plus look for this fun thread "Spiritual Game - Know Thyself - Personality Test":


LOTTO MAGIC now has their 49-minute audio training online:

7-minute audio presentation of the opportunity:


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Flag of John Rivera

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Re: More FRIENDS FORUM LINKS....Promotion isn`t just for business anymore!!
3/28/2007 2:45:38 PM

HI Kathleen

Thanks for the links to the forums. Some I have visited others I haven't so I will scadoodle on down and visit. Thanks for the links to these very interesting forums and for posting them.  May you have a Blessed day


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Flag of Steven Suchar

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Re: More FRIENDS FORUM LINKS....Promotion isn`t just for business anymore!!
3/28/2007 9:50:30 PM
Hi Kathleen!
This really seems to be catching on a little bit more throughout Adland.  It really is refreshing to see!!  Adlander's using their "direct contact" units just to say Thank You or to plug a friends forum or something similar.
WHAMMY is topping the charts...a lot of new faces showing up.
Congrats to you Kathleen...Steven.
PS...remember INXS??  Can you put them on your future list??
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Flag of Glenn Kipps

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Re: More FRIENDS FORUM LINKS....Promotion isn`t just for business anymore!!
3/29/2007 2:04:19 AM

Hello Kathleen,

I would love my forum in your list.  The name of the forum is "Glenn's Travel Forum".  Here is the URL:

Thank you in advance,


Glenn H. Kipps is the owner of,
the website to visit for all your travel needs. URL: Catalog URL:
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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: More FRIENDS FORUM LINKS....Promotion isn`t just for business anymore!!
3/29/2007 7:32:14 AM

Thanks, JR!

Sue Marshall's forum is really fun and it would be great to see it packed!

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