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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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What Would You Change?
3/28/2007 1:13:30 PM

Hi Everyone!  :-)

When talking with people about their life, or their job, or their current situation I always ask:

"What one thing would you change about your life?"

People always have an answer for what would make their life better. 
  • I would've stayed in college
  • More money
  • A rich spouse  (lol) 
  • I need a better job
  • etc....etc....etc....
(* notice how all these things are centered around money?)

My next question to you is:

"What are you doing to make that change come true?"

So often people answer the first question with no problem. Everyone can think of the one thing that would make life better for them. But people are not so quick to answer the second question:
"What are you doing to make that change come true."

Sadly, most people take no action to change their current situation. I often use the saying below:

"May All Your Dreams Turn Into Goals"

Take your dream, start taking action, and before you know it your dream will be a reality. It really works! I can speak from personal experience. I have had many dreams, which I turned into goals and now they are my reality.

The dreams I only thought about, the ones I took no action on, well they are still dreams. But the ones that I took action on, they are now a reality. I have accomplished things in my life that I never realized I had the potential to achieve.

YOU, yes you...... also have that very same potential!
~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Joe Downing

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Re: What Would You Change?
3/28/2007 1:23:48 PM
Hey Brian,

You are so right.  Too many people do nothing to make their situations better.  I just had a discussion about that.  What people speak is what happens in their life.  It is important to speak what you want, not what you have.  You and I know that we are talking about the Law of Attraction.  I have found that many people have never studied the LOA.  They usually struggle and end up in the rut of despair.  They can be rescued, but it takes patient teachers like yourself to lead them out.  Thanks!

My Current Activities.............
Are you ready for April FOOL's day?
Monday Hotseat! 3-25-07 Yes! It's still cooking!
A salute to Terry Gorley for VOTW - HOT!

Daily Activities.............
Get WHAMMYed! (Awesome music collections - Kathleen)
PHILOXENIA (Meet some NEW friends and say hi to Georgios)
Making a Difference and The Grapevine (Share Ideas with Terry)
See who is in the HOTSEAT!
Angels In Adland (Motivation and Inspiration by Kathy)
The Adland Pray Cell (Meet our Prayer Warriors)
Game: The Person Below Me (Bet you can't guess just one)
HERE WITHIN, THEE SHALL SURELY LAUGH! (No joking around okay?)

Weekly Events................
VOTE for the Person Of The Week (POTW) - We need your votes.
**Parade of Stars**
The Flying Rhino Awards (For those who provide humor)

Monthly Events..........
VOTE for the JP (Just Perfect) Award - John

Some interesting reads.........
Paula Raina's Poetry
Patricia's When God Winks at You
Did you know your water is speaking to you?
Water Is Critical For Your Good Health
Are you acidic? I'll show you how to test...

Sneak a peek at these businesses........
The Most Amazing Thing on Earth!
A snack that will make your tummy say yummy.

There are more at the UNOFFICIAL Adland Bulletin Board

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
John Hanevy

42 Posts
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Re: What Would You Change?
3/28/2007 5:49:13 PM
Hi Brian, Too many people know in their heart what they need to do, but think that it's "impossible", so they don't even try. One of my favorite quotes, from Francis of Assisi, addresses this. "Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." Francis of Assisi If you never try, you will never reach ANY goal! John
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Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: What Would You Change?
3/28/2007 6:07:52 PM
Hi (Cutie Pie) Brian,

I wouldn't change anyhting. Everything I have experienced to date has brought me to the exact right place, at the exact right time to manifest my deepest desires because I know without a doubt that I am fully prepared to do so.

I was recently reflecting on a statement i made in 1987 to the effect of "I couldn't wait 5 years to change..... whatever!). Well, it's 20 years, three grandchildren, several natural disasters later and, I 'get' it.

I did change myself a lot in the ensuring 5 years but I was still marinating. Now that I'm leaning hard up agaist 60:) (i stole that line) - I'm just about fully cooked and ready to serve.

The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: What Would You Change?
3/29/2007 11:55:09 AM
Hi Joe!  :-)

Great P.O.V. my good friend.  According to the word....nothing came to be until God SPOKE it into existence. 

EXPECT a great day!  :o)

Brian Clawson

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!
