Hi Neil,
I just came by to see what exactly commitment to the third level really means, since you mentioned it in my feedback, thanks!
People DO think I'm nuts! My obsessions with web stuff and advertising methods are probably in a 3-way tie with my obsession with dollar signs, not in the way you think...money isn't a driving force in itself, but the alleviation of financial stress is the force that drives most people. Actually if I could do one thing, I wish I could get other people more motivated in their MLM businesses. If everyone worked as hard as the top people, everyone would know what success feels like. Working HARD doesn't mean working ALL THE TIME, it just means putting in daily effort, like Brian said, a short time every day will change everything.
I DO read a LOT! The librarians always ask me if I want to join their book club and win a tote bag or something...a tote bag? I always politely say "No Thanks!" The reward is in what I learn from reading itself, my only problem with library books is we're not allowed to dog-ear the pages. That's what I do with all my own books, the business and marketing books at my house are dog-eared beyond recognition!