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Diane Bjorling

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Re: Personal Philosophy is Like the Set of the Sail by Jim Rohn
3/26/2007 6:01:34 PM
Dear Tim
Jim Rohn is one very wise man and I know how much his words mean to you.  We are all on a journey and yes sometimes the winds of time will change our course.  Is that such a bad thing?  To be able to bend and flow on our journey to me makes it an adventure.  Life is a wonderous thing and yes we will have our ups and downs, but that is life..a learning curve..a balancing..and lets face it a time to laugh as well.  As long as we remember where we want to be, then those set backs are like a site seeing tour..always something to learn or isn't that
We are as children in the ways of the world..always growing..learning..dreaming... yea for life!  Set the sails and enjoy the adventure!
Thank-you for your sharing and thank-you for being a friend
P.S I used to sail a long time ago and you know what?  You learned the exhileration of setting the sails..the wind  and the water on your  face..always knowing where you wanted to be..and knowing that without a doubt you would get there...yipeeeee
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Personal Philosophy is Like the Set of the Sail by Jim Rohn
3/26/2007 6:33:36 PM

Hi Tim,

Very good article of Jim's.  So if the winds blow us off course for a bit it shouldn't affect us.  We just make a few adjustments and off we go again.

If we get off course that might not be all too bad either.  A lot of things were invented by acccident.  Velcro on shoes, and bubblewrap are two products I think of that the creatuers could have said, "Boy are we off course".  Instead they changed their perspective.

John Crawford

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Re: Personal Philosophy is Like the Set of the Sail by Jim Rohn
3/26/2007 6:55:03 PM
Words to live by. We ALL experience problems and must "rest the sail" many times during our lives. John A ONE TIME FEE of $37 allows you sell great e-products and keep ALL of the profit. One of my favorite places on the Web. Sign up for FREE and see why! Multiple ways to make big bucks on lotto. My site for health information and other issues vital to the baby boomer. Your ONE Source for the most Proven money making Programs on the internet. If you surf or do business on the internet, you must sign up here! A real "No brainer!" Watch the Video and Be Amazed! The ONE Program You NEED to Join!
Re: Personal Philosophy is Like the Set of the Sail by Jim Rohn
3/26/2007 7:52:30 PM


What a great article, Jim has a way of communication that places a challenge for people to really stop and think.

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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Personal Philosophy is Like the Set of the Sail by Jim Rohn
3/27/2007 4:17:52 AM
Thanks Tim,

This makes me more determined than ever to set my sails in the direction of my goals.

To get to the destination (that you really wanted) at the end of the journey, one has to decide for sure where we want to go.

We also need to decide why we really want to go there. 

Perhaps when we go off course, it's for a reason.  Perhaps we are being shown that we didn't really want to go to the destination that we thought we were going to.  As Mary said, sometimes things have been created by accident.

Sometimes we need to change direction as we realise our true reasons for going there.

I've never sailed, but I've driven on many long journeys.  I'm taking the wheel of my future, but I'm prepared to take a detour, if it is positive.  Last summer, I was driving back to our home, from the  Alps.  Our stay in the Alps had been wonderful and that was what our little break was about, visiting  with family in the Alps.

But as I was driving along, looking forward to getting back to our home in Plaigne, I suddenly followed a sign post to a historical monument and natural reserve.  My husband asked me what I was doing  and the children asked me where we were. 

I answered that I didn't know, but that I fancied a little adventure, before going home.  We spent three wonderful hours there and then got back on course for home.  If I hadn't have turned off course, we wouldn't have had that lovely experience.  We reached our destination much happier and less fatigued, than if we had just driven straight there, all be it a bit later than expected.



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