The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below:
How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?
To be chosen as Person of the week you:
• Are highly visible on the community
• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.
• Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members.
• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.
This week we’re honoring another of AdlandPro’s darlings, her name is Geketa Holman. This delightful lady with the sweet smile has charmed us many times with her humorous posts. Her big heart is winning her many friends quickly and we as a community are much better because of her presence. Congratulations Geketa on winning the Person of the Week award! Enjoy your week of honor!

Here's Geketa's Bio:
I was born in Cincinnati Ohio May 6th in 1954 I share the same birthday as Israel when it became a state in 1948 I am very proud of this as my heritage is found in the Jewish faith. My name is Cherokee Native American Indian. My mother loved this name she got it from her Brother in laws who is Cherokee and his youngest sister had the same name she asked if they would mind if she used it and they were delighted to share the name it is an honor for me and this women has always treated me as one of her own nieces.
I stayed much of my life with my natural Grandparents until my grandfather passed away when I was seven.
Then an Aunt and Uncle adopted me and we moved to Georgia .. I went to a wonderful high school had tons of friends and was just a regular kid .. Making a few mistakes landed me with a child at a very young age and so .. school was put on hold until a year later I finished high school and found the market for jobs few I wanted to further my education. I packed up and moved to Kentucky where my grandmother lived .. started going to a commercial college got a degree in court reporting, went to work at the court house in Cincinnati and hated it so back to school I went this time to Northern Kentucky University.. that lasted about 2 years and I was invited to take a job as a roadie for Clear Lite productions where I had the pleasure to work with many rock and roll bands. I worked this job for the next 5 years of my life .. Traveling was a passion, but the money neither good nor steady, so I finally took a corporate job with a large construction company where I was presently living at the time in Houston, Texas .. time went on and I struggled with many personal demons..
In 1979 I meet a young man who introduced me to salvation… I learned about Jesus Christ and his salvation to mankind. finally life had meaning .. I got married had a couple children and divorced moved Freeport Texas. I took a job as a manager with a large pizza chain .. worked there for several years and finally .. had a terrible injury that left me unable to work again I packed up and moved back to Kentucky .. this time I met yet another and got married he and I have been married for nearly 20 years. We have 4 great boys ages 19-15-13- and 10 I have homeschooled each of them and we all love it .. The older girls are all married with two of the oldest ones having lovely girls of their own .. my oldest granddauther will be starting Rice university this coming fall and my middle daughter has two lovely girls as well one is 5 .. ( going on 20 ) and a sweet 8 month old. The girls all in in Texas with their husbands . We live in Central Kentucky on a large wooded farm . It is quite and peaceful . The largest city is Lexington and it is an hours drive away.
I have tried several home based business over the past few years .. none did every well, until I found the currant one I am working now .. Holmanworldwidetravel It allows me to do what I love travel.for pennies on the dollar. Some day when the boys are grown I would like to travel around the entire world .. both my ship and air .
.My life has had its up and downs, but life is what we make .. Failure is not an option. We each have choices to make we can get better or bitter .. I have always seen the glass as half full and when I got lemons I turned them into lemonaide. I love people and try to give more each day than I get .. Keep smiling and learn to laugh at yourself.
I love making new friends, hiking, camping and reading. I can't stand liars, thieves and those that think they know it all .. I don't eat pork, nor shell fish. I also belong to a Messianic Congregation in Lexington we meet on Saturday nites .. I also am a member of the dance troupe.
Folk’s, we hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Geketa better. Now please ask her to join your list of friends if she’s not already on it and please take the time to congratulate her. Thanks!
Geketa my dear friend and sister, I’m so glad to be featuring you this week. You have blessed me so many times with your kindness and your humor. I love to joke around with you, you’re a blast my friend! Love Ya!
Long live Queen Geketa! :-)
Love and Blessing to all of you from,
John Sanchez and Pauline Raina