Hello Mary,
Thank you so much for visiting and posting in The Grapevine.
You are so right about integrity and I couldn't agree more.
Trust, integrity, and credibility all goes together for business and personal relationships.
I would be interested in visiting Bogdan's forum to read what he says.
In this instance, Rob & Ray were referring to the personal integrity of holding oneself responsible for keeping their promise to themselves to "living the life you said you were going to."

Friends & Visitors: Something to think about:
What did you say to yourself as kid? Did you say you wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, nurse? Did you follow through with your plans? If not, were you being true to yourself?
Do you know why you changed your mind ... why you took a different direction and above all are you happy with the direction you took?
Know the difference between doing what you want to do and doing what someone else wants you to do ... that's being true to yourself.
Be happy with you ... no matter what you do and above all whatever you do, do it with integrity.