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Re: One question IQ Test
3/28/2007 12:16:41 PM
    Hey Phil, you would have never had to pay for another drink. Sometimes the easiest answer is the most difficult.
Re: One question IQ Test
3/28/2007 12:17:12 PM
    Thanks John!
Re: One question IQ Test
3/28/2007 12:19:32 PM
    Hi Sonia and Michael. Thanks for the visit.
Joe Downing

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Re: One question IQ Test
3/28/2007 12:25:38 PM

Vincent, that was a classic that gets a lot of people.  Great job!  Michael's story was pretty funny too.  Thansk everyone for making today a bit lighter.

My Current Activities.............
Are you ready for April FOOL's day?
Monday Hotseat! 3-25-07 Yes! It's still cooking!
A salute to Terry Gorley for VOTW - HOT!

Daily Activities.............
Get WHAMMYed! (Awesome music collections - Kathleen)
PHILOXENIA (Meet some NEW friends and say hi to Georgios)
Making a Difference and The Grapevine (Share Ideas with Terry)
See who is in the HOTSEAT!
Angels In Adland (Motivation and Inspiration by Kathy)
The Adland Pray Cell (Meet our Prayer Warriors)
Game: The Person Below Me (Bet you can't guess just one)
HERE WITHIN, THEE SHALL SURELY LAUGH! (No joking around okay?)

Weekly Events................
VOTE for the Person Of The Week (POTW) - We need your votes.
**Parade of Stars**
The Flying Rhino Awards (For those who provide humor)

Monthly Events..........
VOTE for the JP (Just Perfect) Award - John

Some interesting reads.........
Paula Raina's Poetry
Did you know your water is speaking to you?
Water Is Critical For Your Good Health
Are you acidic? I'll show you how to test...

Sneak a peek at these businesses........
The Most Amazing Thing on Earth!
A snack that will make your tummy say yummy.

There are more at the UNOFFICIAL Adland Bulletin Board

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Re: One question IQ Test
3/30/2007 9:13:39 AM
    Joe,I am glad it gave you a smile.

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