Before I shut down my computer. As I was scratching my head Shirley walked in, looked at the question and said, "He would say, I'd like to buy some sunglasses." and walked out. I'm sleeping alone again. As we all know, it is not nice to make fun of blind people. I used to drive Cab. There was a quite atractive blind girl that used to call and request me whenever she needed a cab. I don't know why. Maybe because I went in the middle of the road and told her that I would help her. She didn't need any help, but when I explained to her that the yellow line she was following was not the sidewalk but the line they had just painted going down the middle of the road, she allowed me to help. I gave her one of my cards. Bad mistake. "Is Mike Driving? I need a cab." Two, three hundred times a week, whatever. One day she went to K-Mart or one of those stores. When I stopped the cab, I asked if she needed help. She said she could manage fine. I thought she knew the Golf Cart was parked there. I parked the cab, went over and helped her up and guided her into the store. I asked her what department she was looking for. She said photography to pick up pictures. Ooooookay!! As we walked along I whispered to her that I was quite embarrased. She asked why. I told her that if she was not going to wear a bra she could have at least buttoned her blouse. She started fumbling with her blouse nervously and before you knew it, she wasn't wearing a bra. When we got to the photography counter, I don't know why but I yelled "Look out!!" and made a Beeping Sound. She leeped completely over the counter. I miss that girl.
God Bless You
I'll take a Hike now
$12.00 per month
$200.00 comittment
I don't treat everyone that way. Shirley has Epilepsy and sudden noises could send her into seizures and I never, well not too often, okay I may sneak up behind her at times and make a hiising cat noise to see how hire she can jump. She does pretty good.