... will be revealed this Tuesday, March 27th !
Hi there dear friends,
I'm actually running a day late with this information because I just found a critical email inviting me to be one of only 30 special VIP Joint Venture partners... so I'm very proud to offer this information to you.
This won't be a long message, but nonetheless a very important one! — important enough, that is, for me to strongly advise that you don't miss checking your email in three days.
On Tuesday morning, I'm going to be introducing you to something incredibly special. I was chosen as part of a select group of 30 people to review a multimedia resource that you're going to cherish for a long time.
By now, I'm sure you've seen the first edition of "The Secret" movie...
I've seen reliable stats that say at least 5,000 copies of the DVD are being sold online EVERY DAY.
Wow !
And, "The Secret" book has has already hit the 2 million copies sold mark, putting it ahead of the Harry Potter Series Book and #7 on the Amazon Bestseller List in March 2007.
Wow !
Is there any wonder why it's the heavyweight champ of metaphyiscal movie documentaries?
Like it, love it, or hate it, the facts are that is has almost single-handedly been responsible for allowing once uninterested individuals to raise their consciousness, re-route their thinking and view life from a whole new perspective of infinite possibilities.
And, to me, that's where the immense value begins and ends.
The question that still lingers for millions (and possibly you too?) is:
"What's next?"
And, rightly so ... let's face it — short run multi-person documentaries, where a few KEY mentors are only available to give you 5 to 10 minutes of individual on-the-surface insight, can only take you so far.
And, watching the DVD over and over again, in an attempt to find an "Ah-ha" moment for yourself, is going to frustrate you.
If you, like millions more, are ready for an inexpensive resource that WILL, hands-down, take your application of "The Secret' much, much further down the rabbit hole of understanding, BE AT YOUR COMPUTER THIS TUESDAY March 27.
I'm not sending this to tease you or salt your curiosity to the breaking point. Really, I'm not!
I just want to make sure you're focused and ALERT for my email in three days.
Because, again, what will be available to you, on the grand-opening day of this site, only comes around once in awhile ... and the link that I will be sending you is priceless!
Many blessings.
PS - And, here's the amazing news: there's nothing to buy just yet. On Tuesday, you will gain access to a fr..ee sample of this product that will make your head spin (but in a good way :)